
.Net Core 3.1 API

Primary LanguageC#

This project was built using the following tutorial series:

RESTFul API with .NET Core 3.1 by Code Skills


In the appsettings.json one can add any configuratino value. App pagination default behavior is configured in this appsettings.json file.

Project Dependencies

Read dependencies description in each project's Nuget Package Manager


Newtonsoft: For ignoring circular reference error dealing with database entities. ComponentModel.DataAnnotations: For using decorators inside the dto classes. Swashbuckle.AspNetCore: For generating Swagger documentation. Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer: For authenticating users via JWT.


This project shohuld not have many dependencies because of good practices. Microsoft.Extensions.Options: For using configuration values in appsettings.json


Automapper: For mapping dtos into domain entities Fluent validation: Validate classes and dto. Provides a simpler and more practical way for class validation and implementation.


Documentation is generated in the following route once the application is running: https://localhost:44310/swagger/v1/swagger.json The returned json file can be downloaded and imported in https://editor.swagger.io to generate the documentation.

IIS Deployment

During the full IIS deployment alternative, one might want to connect to the localdb instance rather than connecting to the Azure SQL Server db instance. The application would not be able to connect to the localdb instance, read the following post to solve this issue:


Afer succesfull deployment one can visit the following site: https://localhost/SMApi/swagger