
Interface for optimizing openweathermap.org api calls

Primary LanguageKotlin

Weather App Interface

The goal of this application is to serve as an interface between the user and the OpenWeather API. Optmizing the number of limited daily calls by storing the responses. And validating if it's necessary a nell call based on the user request.


In order to run locally, run de following commands:

   git clone 
   cd ./weather-app
   docker-compose up
  • Insert your Open Weather APi Key into the application.yaml file.
   mvn clean install
   mvn spring-boot:run

Future Improvements

  1. Treat invalid user requests;
  2. Implement a cron to use the remaining calls of the day for the most required cities;
  3. Deploy on Quarkus;
  4. Replace Postgress with Rediss.