
How to install the components

Toolfolks opened this issue · 3 comments

Newbie to this stuff
Any docs on installation please.

I found the following. There is no FrameViewer2011.

<style> body {font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Serif"; }</style> <title></title>

What are the HTML Viewer Components?

The HTML component set consists of the THtmlViewer, TFrameViewer, and TFrameBrowser components. All three are HTML document display components:

  THtmlViewer The basic component. THtmlViewer displays single (non-frame) documents. It also forms the basis for the other two components.
  Displays both Frame and single HTML documents. TFrameViewer is oriented more for local file system use.
Also displays Frame and single HTML documents. However, TFrameBrower is oriented toward Internet style protocols and URL usage. Additional code and/or components are generally required to get data from other sources than the local file system.

These components support most of the HTML 3.2 and HTML 4 specifications with some popular HTML 5 enhancements. Many Cascading Style Sheet properties are also supported.

  • Cascading Stylesheets
  • Frames
  • Bitmap, GIF, JPEG, and PNG Images
    • Animated GIFs
    • Transparent images
    • Image caching
    • Left and right floating images
    • Image sizing attributes
    • Client side image maps
  • Large HTML files
  • HTML Tables
  • HTML Forms
  • Font sizes, styles, and colors with HTML tags or default settings
  • Background colors and images
  • Formatted printing of the HTML document
  • Print preview
  • Text search
  • Copy to clipboard
  • Subscripts and superscripts

While HTML documents are normally associated with the Internet, they are also very useful for displaying all kinds of textual material such as documentation, helpfiles, etc. Graphics are easily incorporated in these documents.

Files Supplied

In "Demos\Compiled Framedemo"

Demo.htm This file
*.htm Frame files for Demo.htm
FrameDem.exe The TFrameViewer demo program
Various image and sound files for demo

In "HtmlHelp"

THtmlViewer.chm Help file
html*.* Source files of help file
images*.* Source files of help file
Various html help project files

In "Source"

sourcecode for the THtmlViewer, TFrameViewer, and TFrameBrowser components

 HtmlView.pas, .dcr           		THtmlViewer
 FramView.pas, .dcr           		TFrameViewer
 FramBrwz.pas, .dcr           		TFrameBrowser
 HtmlMisc.pas                        Lazarus only
 HtmlComp.lrs                        Lazarus only
 HtmlUn2.lrs                         Lazarus only
 WideStringsLcl.pas                  Lazarus only
 HTMLCompEdit.pas                    Designtime only
 FrameViewerReg.pas                  Designtime only

 FrameViewer09.lpk, .pas             Lazarus Package source file.            Recommended Lazarus Version for best HtmlViewer support >= 1.2 (Win), >= 1.4 (Linux)
 FrameViewer6.dpk, .res              Delphi 6 Package source file.           Uses TntControls for better unicode support.
 FrameViewer7.dpk, .res              Delphi 7 Package source file.           Uses TntControls for better unicode support.
 FrameViewer2005.dpk, .res           Delphi 2005 Package source file.        Uses TntControls for better unicode support.
 FrameViewer2006.dpk, .res           Delphi 2006 Package source file.        Uses TntControls for better unicode support.
 FrameViewer2007.dpk, .res           Delphi 2007 Package source file.        Uses TntControls for better unicode support.
 FrameViewer2009.dpk, .res           Delphi 2009 Package source file.
 FrameViewer2010.dpk, .res           Delphi 2010 Package source file.
 FrameViewerXE.dpk, .res             Delphi XE  Runtime Package source file.
 FrameViewerXE2.dpk, .res            Delphi XE2 Runtime Package source file.
 FrameViewerXE3.dpk, .res            Delphi XE3 Runtime package source file.
 FrameViewerXE4.dpk, .res            Delphi XE4 Runtime package source file.
 FrameViewerXE5.dpk, .res            Delphi XE5 Runtime package source file.
 FrameViewerXE6.dpk, .res            Delphi XE6 Runtime package source file.
 FrameViewerXE7.dpk, .res            Delphi XE7 Runtime package source file.
 FrameViewerXE8.dpk, .res            Delphi XE8 Runtime package source file.
 FrameViewerXE9.dpk, .res            Delphi XE9 Runtime package source file.
 RAD Studio 10.2\FrameViewer.dpk     Delphi 10.2 Tokyo      Runtime package source file.  
 RAD Studio 10.3\FrameViewer.dpk     Delphi 10.3 Rio        Runtime package source file.  
 RAD Studio 10.4\FrameViewer.dpk     Delphi 10.4 Sydney     Runtime package source file.  
 RAD Studio 11\FrameViewer.dpk       Delphi 11   Alexandria Runtime package source file.    
 DclFrameViewerXE.dpk, .res          Delphi XE  Designtime package source file.
 DclFrameViewerXE2.dpk, .res         Delphi XE2 Designtime package source file.
 DclFrameViewerXE3.dpk, .res         Delphi XE3 Designtime package source file.
 DclFrameViewerXE4.dpk, .res         Delphi XE4 Designtime package source file.
 DclFrameViewerXE5.dpk, .res         Delphi XE5 Designtime package source file.
 DclFrameViewerXE6.dpk, .res         Delphi XE6 Designtime package source file.
 DclFrameViewerXE7.dpk, .res         Delphi XE7 Designtime package source file.
 DclFrameViewerXE8.dpk, .res         Delphi XE8 Designtime package source file.
 DclFrameViewerXE9.dpk, .res         Delphi XE9 Designtime package source file.
 RAD Studio 10.2\dclFrameViewer.dpk  Delphi 10.2 Tokyo      Designtime package source file.  
 RAD Studio 10.3\dclFrameViewer.dpk  Delphi 10.3 Rio        Designtime package source file.  
 RAD Studio 10.4\dclFrameViewer.dpk  Delphi 10.4 Sydney     Designtime package source file.  
 RAD Studio 11\dclFrameViewer.dpk    Delphi 11   Alexandria Designtime package source file.    
 HtmlView.chm                        The help file (Sorry, but most of it is still version 9.45)

Source code for the print preview dialog TBegaHtmlPrintPreviewForm

 BegaPreview.pas, .dfm, .lfm
 BegaPreviewForm.pas, .dfm, .lfm

In "Demos\Main Demos"

Source code for the demo programs

 HtmlDemo.dpr, .res                      HtmlViewer demo using TNT Unicode Controls (UTF-16)
 HtmlDemoW.dpr, .res                     HtmlViewer demo using VCL Unicode Controls (UTF-16)
 HtmlDemoLaz.lpr, .res                   HtmlViewer demo using LCL Unicode Controls (UTF-8)
 FrameDem.dpr, .res                     FrameViewer demo using TNT Unicode Controls (UTF-16)
 FrameDemW.dpr, .res                    FrameViewer demo using VCL Unicode Controls (UTF-16)
 FrameDemLaz.lpr, .res                  FrameViewer demo using LCL Unicode Controls (UTF-8)
 FrameBrowserDemoIcs.dpr, .res         FrameBrowser demo using VCL Unicode Controls and ICS 7/8 Components
 FrameBrowserDemoId10.dpr, .res        FrameBrowser demo using VCL Unicode Controls and Indy 10 Components
 AuthorizeFormUnit.pas, .dfm, .lfm
 demounit.pas, .dfm, .lfm
 DownloadFormUnit.pas, .dfm, .lfm
 FBrDemUnit.pas, .dfm, .lfm
 FDemUnit.pas, .dfm, .lfm
 FontDlg.pas, .dfm, .lfm
 GoPage.pas, .dfm, .lfm
 Htmlabt.pas, .dfm, .lfm
 ImgForm.pas, .dfm, .lfm
 InfoFormUnit.pas, .dfm, .lfm
 LogFormUnit.pas, .dfm, .lfm
 PrintStatusForm.pas, .dfm, .lfm
 ProxyFormUnit.pas, .dfm, .lfm
 Submit.pas, .dfm, .lfm
 SubmitTNT.pas, .dfm

In "Demos\Other Demos"

Some more demo projects and source files. For example the FrameBrowser demos


Installing The HTML Components

If you are installing for more than one version of Delphi, use separate directories for the installations.

Installation problems are almost always due to old or incorrect files being accessed. Make sure that the Library Path or Search Path does not point to the directory of any old HTML component files. The Library Path can be edited from the Tools|Environment Options dialog, Library tab. The Search Path from the Project|Options dialog, Directories/Conditionals tab.

Delete all DCU files generated with previous installations.

The Register procedures in HTMLVIEW.PAS, FRAMVIEW.PAS, and FRAMBRWZ.PAS are set to place the components on the palette page tab named Samples. These can be relocated later from the IDE if desired.

Delphi 6 and 7

  1. Choose File|Open... from the main menu. Browse through the dialog to find FRAMEVIEWER6|7.DPK (by default in the \HtmlViewer\package directory).

  2. Click Open and in the ensuring dialog, press Compile and then Install.

  3. When using the HTML components, include the \HtmlViewer\package directory in the searchpath. The searchpath can be edited by choosing Project|Options|Directories|Conditionals from the main menu.

  4. Make sure that the Library Path string does not point to the directory of any old HTML component files. The Library Path string can be edited from the Tools|EnvironmentOptions dialog, Library tab.

Delphi 2005 - 2010, XE and later

In the following replace XXX with the Delpi version name.

  1. Choose File|Open... from the main menu. Browse through the dialog to find FrameViewerXXX (by default in the \HtmlViewer\package directory).

  2. Click Project|Compile FrameViewerXXX to compile FrameViewerXXX.bpl.

  3. To add the components to the Tool Palette, Choose Component|Install packages. Click the Add... button and selectFrameViewerXXX.bpl.

  4. When using the HTML components, include the \HtmlViewer\package directory in the searchpath. The searchpath can be edited by choosing Project|Options|Directories/Conditionals from the main menu.

  5. Make sure that the Library Path string does not point to the directory of any old HTML component files. The Library Path string can be edited from the Tools|Environment Options dialog, Library tab.

Lazarus 0.9 and later

  1. Choose Package|Open package file... from the main menu. Browse through the dialog to find FrameViewer09.lpk (by default in the \HtmlViewer\package directory).

  2. Click Compile in the Package FrameViewer09 window to compile the package.

  3. Click Install in the Package FrameViewer09 window to install the components.

  4. When using the HTML components, include the \HtmlViewer\package directory in the Other Unit Files (-Fu) searchpath. The searchpath can be edited by choosing Project|Compiler Options... from the main menu. <style> body {font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Serif"; }</style> <title></title>

    What are the HTML Viewer Components?

    The HTML component set consists of the THtmlViewer, TFrameViewer, and TFrameBrowser components. All three are HTML document display components:

      THtmlViewer The basic component. THtmlViewer displays single (non-frame) documents. It also forms the basis for the other two components.
      Displays both Frame and single HTML documents. TFrameViewer is oriented more for local file system use.
    Also displays Frame and single HTML documents. However, TFrameBrower is oriented toward Internet style protocols and URL usage. Additional code and/or components are generally required to get data from other sources than the local file system.

    These components support most of the HTML 3.2 and HTML 4 specifications with some popular HTML 5 enhancements. Many Cascading Style Sheet properties are also supported.

    • Cascading Stylesheets
    • Frames
    • Bitmap, GIF, JPEG, and PNG Images
      • Animated GIFs
      • Transparent images
      • Image caching
      • Left and right floating images
      • Image sizing attributes
      • Client side image maps
    • Large HTML files
    • HTML Tables
    • HTML Forms
    • Font sizes, styles, and colors with HTML tags or default settings
    • Background colors and images
    • Formatted printing of the HTML document
    • Print preview
    • Text search
    • Copy to clipboard
    • Subscripts and superscripts

    While HTML documents are normally associated with the Internet, they are also very useful for displaying all kinds of textual material such as documentation, helpfiles, etc. Graphics are easily incorporated in these documents.

    Files Supplied

    In "Demos\Compiled Framedemo"

    Demo.htm This file
    *.htm Frame files for Demo.htm
    FrameDem.exe The TFrameViewer demo program
    Various image and sound files for demo

    In "HtmlHelp"

    THtmlViewer.chm Help file
    html*.* Source files of help file
    images*.* Source files of help file
    Various html help project files

    In "Source"

    sourcecode for the THtmlViewer, TFrameViewer, and TFrameBrowser components

     HtmlView.pas, .dcr           		THtmlViewer
     FramView.pas, .dcr           		TFrameViewer
     FramBrwz.pas, .dcr           		TFrameBrowser
     HtmlMisc.pas                        Lazarus only
     HtmlComp.lrs                        Lazarus only
     HtmlUn2.lrs                         Lazarus only
     WideStringsLcl.pas                  Lazarus only
     HTMLCompEdit.pas                    Designtime only
     FrameViewerReg.pas                  Designtime only
     FrameViewer09.lpk, .pas             Lazarus Package source file.            Recommended Lazarus Version for best HtmlViewer support >= 1.2 (Win), >= 1.4 (Linux)
     FrameViewer6.dpk, .res              Delphi 6 Package source file.           Uses TntControls for better unicode support.
     FrameViewer7.dpk, .res              Delphi 7 Package source file.           Uses TntControls for better unicode support.
     FrameViewer2005.dpk, .res           Delphi 2005 Package source file.        Uses TntControls for better unicode support.
     FrameViewer2006.dpk, .res           Delphi 2006 Package source file.        Uses TntControls for better unicode support.
     FrameViewer2007.dpk, .res           Delphi 2007 Package source file.        Uses TntControls for better unicode support.
     FrameViewer2009.dpk, .res           Delphi 2009 Package source file.
     FrameViewer2010.dpk, .res           Delphi 2010 Package source file.
     FrameViewerXE.dpk, .res             Delphi XE  Runtime Package source file.
     FrameViewerXE2.dpk, .res            Delphi XE2 Runtime Package source file.
     FrameViewerXE3.dpk, .res            Delphi XE3 Runtime package source file.
     FrameViewerXE4.dpk, .res            Delphi XE4 Runtime package source file.
     FrameViewerXE5.dpk, .res            Delphi XE5 Runtime package source file.
     FrameViewerXE6.dpk, .res            Delphi XE6 Runtime package source file.
     FrameViewerXE7.dpk, .res            Delphi XE7 Runtime package source file.
     FrameViewerXE8.dpk, .res            Delphi XE8 Runtime package source file.
     FrameViewerXE9.dpk, .res            Delphi XE9 Runtime package source file.
     RAD Studio 10.2\FrameViewer.dpk     Delphi 10.2 Tokyo      Runtime package source file.  
     RAD Studio 10.3\FrameViewer.dpk     Delphi 10.3 Rio        Runtime package source file.  
     RAD Studio 10.4\FrameViewer.dpk     Delphi 10.4 Sydney     Runtime package source file.  
     RAD Studio 11\FrameViewer.dpk       Delphi 11   Alexandria Runtime package source file.    
     DclFrameViewerXE.dpk, .res          Delphi XE  Designtime package source file.
     DclFrameViewerXE2.dpk, .res         Delphi XE2 Designtime package source file.
     DclFrameViewerXE3.dpk, .res         Delphi XE3 Designtime package source file.
     DclFrameViewerXE4.dpk, .res         Delphi XE4 Designtime package source file.
     DclFrameViewerXE5.dpk, .res         Delphi XE5 Designtime package source file.
     DclFrameViewerXE6.dpk, .res         Delphi XE6 Designtime package source file.
     DclFrameViewerXE7.dpk, .res         Delphi XE7 Designtime package source file.
     DclFrameViewerXE8.dpk, .res         Delphi XE8 Designtime package source file.
     DclFrameViewerXE9.dpk, .res         Delphi XE9 Designtime package source file.
     RAD Studio 10.2\dclFrameViewer.dpk  Delphi 10.2 Tokyo      Designtime package source file.  
     RAD Studio 10.3\dclFrameViewer.dpk  Delphi 10.3 Rio        Designtime package source file.  
     RAD Studio 10.4\dclFrameViewer.dpk  Delphi 10.4 Sydney     Designtime package source file.  
     RAD Studio 11\dclFrameViewer.dpk    Delphi 11   Alexandria Designtime package source file.    
     HtmlView.chm                        The help file (Sorry, but most of it is still version 9.45)

    Source code for the print preview dialog TBegaHtmlPrintPreviewForm

     BegaPreview.pas, .dfm, .lfm
     BegaPreviewForm.pas, .dfm, .lfm

    In "Demos\Main Demos"

    Source code for the demo programs

     HtmlDemo.dpr, .res                      HtmlViewer demo using TNT Unicode Controls (UTF-16)
     HtmlDemoW.dpr, .res                     HtmlViewer demo using VCL Unicode Controls (UTF-16)
     HtmlDemoLaz.lpr, .res                   HtmlViewer demo using LCL Unicode Controls (UTF-8)
     FrameDem.dpr, .res                     FrameViewer demo using TNT Unicode Controls (UTF-16)
     FrameDemW.dpr, .res                    FrameViewer demo using VCL Unicode Controls (UTF-16)
     FrameDemLaz.lpr, .res                  FrameViewer demo using LCL Unicode Controls (UTF-8)
     FrameBrowserDemoIcs.dpr, .res         FrameBrowser demo using VCL Unicode Controls and ICS 7/8 Components
     FrameBrowserDemoId10.dpr, .res        FrameBrowser demo using VCL Unicode Controls and Indy 10 Components
     AuthorizeFormUnit.pas, .dfm, .lfm
     demounit.pas, .dfm, .lfm
     DownloadFormUnit.pas, .dfm, .lfm
     FBrDemUnit.pas, .dfm, .lfm
     FDemUnit.pas, .dfm, .lfm
     FontDlg.pas, .dfm, .lfm
     GoPage.pas, .dfm, .lfm
     Htmlabt.pas, .dfm, .lfm
     ImgForm.pas, .dfm, .lfm
     InfoFormUnit.pas, .dfm, .lfm
     LogFormUnit.pas, .dfm, .lfm
     PrintStatusForm.pas, .dfm, .lfm
     ProxyFormUnit.pas, .dfm, .lfm
     Submit.pas, .dfm, .lfm
     SubmitTNT.pas, .dfm

    In "Demos\Other Demos"

    Some more demo projects and source files. For example the FrameBrowser demos


    Installing The HTML Components

    If you are installing for more than one version of Delphi, use separate directories for the installations.

    Installation problems are almost always due to old or incorrect files being accessed. Make sure that the Library Path or Search Path does not point to the directory of any old HTML component files. The Library Path can be edited from the Tools|Environment Options dialog, Library tab. The Search Path from the Project|Options dialog, Directories/Conditionals tab.

    Delete all DCU files generated with previous installations.

    The Register procedures in HTMLVIEW.PAS, FRAMVIEW.PAS, and FRAMBRWZ.PAS are set to place the components on the palette page tab named Samples. These can be relocated later from the IDE if desired.

    Delphi 6 and 7

    1. Choose File|Open... from the main menu. Browse through the dialog to find FRAMEVIEWER6|7.DPK (by default in the \HtmlViewer\package directory).

    2. Click Open and in the ensuring dialog, press Compile and then Install.

    3. When using the HTML components, include the \HtmlViewer\package directory in the searchpath. The searchpath can be edited by choosing Project|Options|Directories|Conditionals from the main menu.

    4. Make sure that the Library Path string does not point to the directory of any old HTML component files. The Library Path string can be edited from the Tools|EnvironmentOptions dialog, Library tab.

    Delphi 2005 - 2010, XE and later

    In the following replace XXX with the Delpi version name.

    1. Choose File|Open... from the main menu. Browse through the dialog to find FrameViewerXXX (by default in the \HtmlViewer\package directory).

    2. Click Project|Compile FrameViewerXXX to compile FrameViewerXXX.bpl.

    3. To add the components to the Tool Palette, Choose Component|Install packages. Click the Add... button and selectFrameViewerXXX.bpl.

    4. When using the HTML components, include the \HtmlViewer\package directory in the searchpath. The searchpath can be edited by choosing Project|Options|Directories/Conditionals from the main menu.

    5. Make sure that the Library Path string does not point to the directory of any old HTML component files. The Library Path string can be edited from the Tools|Environment Options dialog, Library tab.

    Lazarus 0.9 and later

    1. Choose Package|Open package file... from the main menu. Browse through the dialog to find FrameViewer09.lpk (by default in the \HtmlViewer\package directory).

    2. Click Compile in the Package FrameViewer09 window to compile the package.

    3. Click Install in the Package FrameViewer09 window to install the components.

    4. When using the HTML components, include the \HtmlViewer\package directory in the Other Unit Files (-Fu) searchpath. The searchpath can be edited by choosing Project|Compiler Options... from the main menu.

If I open FrameViewer2011 I get on compile

[dcc32 Error] FrameViewer2010.dpk(34): E2029 'END' expected but identifier 'rrequires' found
[dcc32 Error] FrameViewer2010.dpk(84): E2029 '.' expected but end of file found

Welcome Newbie,

there was no Delphi 2011, thus there is no project file for it. On Delphi 2010 followed Delphi XE.

[dcc32 Error] FrameViewer2010.dpk(34): E2029 'END' expected but identifier 'rrequires' found
[dcc32 Error] FrameViewer2010.dpk(84): E2029 '.' expected but end of file found

The BDS corrupts the .dpk file under certain conditions when you edited the project. You should revert it to the orginal file.