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Html Viewer for RAD Studio 12
#341 opened by Rockman1970 - 3
Does not display many HTML Forms properly
#356 opened by SARTrack - 1
Bug in StyleUn.pas
#344 opened by manliomazzon - 1
Work-around required for FPC / macOS
#346 opened by manliomazzon - 0
border-bottom on a within h1 drawn from 0,0
#355 opened by stijnsanders - 2
border-bottom missing on second link
#353 opened by stijnsanders - 0
Feature request: Scale property
#354 opened by RSpeets - 2
- 0
FEATURE - provide a Firemonkey (FMX) cross-platform version of this component set
#351 opened by MyBuzzTechnologies - 3
- 0
Why can't mathml content be displayed properly?
#349 opened by luwei0711 - 0
Document manipulation, highlighting.
#348 opened by jd-s - 1
- 1
Compile errors using FPC 3.3.1 / Lazarus
#343 opened by donsiders - 0
- 0
Printing problem multible documents
#342 opened by mmvisualgit - 3
How to install the components
#335 opened by Toolfolks - 1
Problem installing on Delphi 10.1
#339 opened by svenson8 - 0
How to compile jsbesen demo with lazarus?
#338 opened by tigrazone - 0
- 3
How can i print page on Linux in Lazarus?
#333 opened by Snake7719 - 2
Control not working in Lazarus 3.99 on Linux.
#334 opened by CardanoDVPR - 1
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How to use this package
#332 opened by davidmcdonald - 1
Transparent in icon display bug?
#331 opened by Dzyszla - 0
Barcode support
#330 opened by WojtekHuzar - 0
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body or css background image
#328 opened by giuseppefava - 4
Images ratio
#302 opened by thisuser667 - 0
OS 12.6 Monterey: Error: Identifier not found ["FontSerif", "FontMono", "FontSans", "FontCursive", "FontHelvet"]
#325 opened by salmoni - 2
Unix QT5 incorrect text output.
#313 opened by bubus112 - 2
DPI scaling THTMLViewer
#312 opened by xraymike - 1
Is font embedding supported?
#322 opened by Dingo64 - 4
Images can not be imported into a richedit
#324 opened by trichter2 - 2
MHT-Files supported by HTMLViewer?
#323 opened by trichter2 - 1
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PrintPreview is showing images not as it should (black box), as well as the font is different
#326 opened by romerfel - 2
Cannot build package missing Lcl...pas units
#320 opened by bryanwilkins1246 - 1
Master no longer builds on Delphi XE or earlier
#318 opened by magsys - 1
Support for Rendering SVG Graphics
#319 opened by DanielPaepke - 1
TObjectList problem
#305 opened by irelam2017 - 2
Width property is not parsed inside CSS body
#317 opened by hafedh-trimeche - 2
THtmlViewer.LoadHTML hangs when loading an html with css code that includes a media query on color scheme
#316 opened by chrswgnr - 1
Center Tables not rendered
#306 opened by hafedh-trimeche - 1
HTML not well rendered
#314 opened by hafedh-trimeche - 1
- 0
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HTMLViewer as HTML Parser
#311 opened by hafedh-trimeche - 1
Draw CSS-embedded images
#309 opened by kandys - 1
Can't draw linear gradient in block background
#307 opened by kandys