
Generates strongly typed wrapper classes. Similar to Visual Studios native ResX generation, but with Asp.Net core in mind.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Install-Package ResourceBridge 

Generates strongly typed wrapper classes. Similar to Visual Studios native ResX generation, but with Asp.Net core in mind.

alt summary

Resource names are defined with nesting. These groups then get generated as nested classes and may then be used like:

var examples = new ExampleResources(new StringLocalizer<ExampleResources>());

However, the generator was designed with Blazor and the tooling of .NET 5 in mind:

@inject ILocalizedExampleResources Resources;


As the designated solution for localization is to use IStringLocalizer.


  • Install the package
Install-Package ResourceBridge 
  • Define .resx files (Example)
  • Edit your .csproj file and include the .resx files for which you want to generate the wrapper (Example)
  <AdditionalFiles Include="YourResourceFile.resx" />

Note: Only define one language per resource.

Behind the scenes

Instead of using static classes to avoid poluting the list of types, the only exposed types are interfaces, all starting with a "ILocalized" prefix. Therefore resources keys like "Key.Name", will not interfer with a class also named "Key".

For the example above, the following code is produced:

using Microsoft.Extensions.Localization;
using System.Text;

namespace BridgeSource
    public interface ILocalizedExampleResources
        ILocalizedGroupA GroupA { get; }
        ILocalizedGroupB GroupB { get; }
        public interface ILocalizedGroupA
            string Hello { get; }
            string World { get; }
        public interface ILocalizedGroupB
            ILocalizedChild Child { get; }
            public interface ILocalizedChild
                string Hello (string name);

    public sealed class ExampleResources : ILocalizedExampleResources
        private readonly IStringLocalizer<ExampleResources> _stringLocalizer;
        public ILocalizedExampleResources.ILocalizedGroupA GroupA { get; }
        public ILocalizedExampleResources.ILocalizedGroupB GroupB { get; }
        public ExampleResources(IStringLocalizer<ExampleResources> stringLocalizer)
            _stringLocalizer = stringLocalizer;
                GroupA = new GroupAClass(stringLocalizer);
        GroupB = new GroupBClass(stringLocalizer);
        private class GroupAClass : ILocalizedExampleResources.ILocalizedGroupA
            private readonly IStringLocalizer<ExampleResources> _stringLocalizer;
            public string Hello => _stringLocalizer["GroupA.Hello"];
            public string World => _stringLocalizer["GroupA.World"];
            public GroupAClass(IStringLocalizer<ExampleResources> stringLocalizer)
                _stringLocalizer = stringLocalizer;
        private class GroupBClass : ILocalizedExampleResources.ILocalizedGroupB
            private readonly IStringLocalizer<ExampleResources> _stringLocalizer;
            public ILocalizedExampleResources.ILocalizedGroupB.ILocalizedChild Child { get; }
            public GroupBClass(IStringLocalizer<ExampleResources> stringLocalizer)
                _stringLocalizer = stringLocalizer;
                    Child = new ChildClass(stringLocalizer);
            private class ChildClass : ILocalizedExampleResources.ILocalizedGroupB.ILocalizedChild
                private readonly IStringLocalizer<ExampleResources> _stringLocalizer;
                public string Hello(string name) {
                    var sb = new StringBuilder(_stringLocalizer["GroupB.Child.Hello"]);
                    sb.Replace("name", name);
                     return sb.ToString();
                public ChildClass(IStringLocalizer<ExampleResources> stringLocalizer)
                    _stringLocalizer = stringLocalizer;
