
Javscript sorting on multiple criteria with generator functions

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Generator sort

Build Status Coverage Status

Sorting on multiple criteria with generator functions


With the Array.sort() method in javascript, it is possible to sort an array of anything based on a sorting function. For example, if you have an array of objects like this:

let characters = [
        firstName: 'Luke',
        lastName: 'Skywalker',
        firstName: 'Han',
        lastName: 'Solo'
        firstName: 'Anakin',
        lastName: 'Skywalker'

And you want to sort them based on lastName first and then firstName, you have to write a sort-function like this:

characters.sort( (a,b) => {
    if(a.lastName > b.lastName) {
        return 1
    else if(a.lastName < b.lastName) {
        return -1
    else {
        if(a.firstName > b.firstName) {
            return 1
        else if(a.firstName < b.firstName) {
            return -1
        else {
            return 0

Writing these sorting functions is not particularly difficult, but they can become quite long and rarely look elegant.

Sorting with generator functions

With the generator-sort module, the same sort can be written as

import {sortFunction, compareStrings} from 'generator-sort'

characters.sort(sortFunction(function*(oA, oB) {
    yield compareStrings(oA.lastName, oB.lastName)
    yield compareStrings(oA.firstName, oB.lastName)

The sortFunction function takes a generator function as its only argument. The generator function will be called for each pair of object that shall be compared. The function shall yield numbers. If it yields a positive number, oA is larger than oB. If it yields a negative number, oB is larger than oA. If it yields 0, it will be asked to yield another number until it yields a non-zero number or is done (i.e. returns).

This makes it easy to write the comparison as a series of yield statements.


The module is written in typescript and comes with complete typings, but can be used in plain javascript as well.