
Introduction to API and API testing. Automating workflow using Insomnia and GitHub Actions

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API course playground repo

Special thanks to @bearc0025 for introduction to API world!

Local API Server Setup

  • Download node binary 64 bit - https://nodejs.org/en/download/
  • add ENV variables:
    • NPM_HOME - C:\node-16.16.0
    • NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS - C:\Users\XXXX\ .certs\XXXCA_Certs.pem
  • might need to update npm version - npm install -g npm@8.19.1
  • Install JSON server - npm install -g json-server
  • Confirm JSON server is downloaded - npm list -g json-server (`-- json-server@0.17.0)
  • Run local api server - npx json-server -w db.json

  \{^_^}/ hi!

  Loading db.json



  Type s + enter at any time to create a snapshot of the database

Data can be accessed via Home link Local Server

Insomnia x GitHub Actions Setup


  • Settings > uncheck Enable proxy
  • Sync With GitHub
  • Add + enter password -> copy the URL to Insomnia + Add
  • or Add via Git, but you need to create Access Token

Sync OK

Run Insomnia cli commands

Insomnia dashboard name (IDN) - "MyAPI" (spc_a1f2a2) Insomnia test env name (ITEN) - "OpenAPI" (env_env_7032d2)

  • run tests
    • npx inso run test
    • npx inso run test IDN
    • npx inso run test IDN --env "env_env_7032d2"

Run tests

  • lint spec:
    • npx inso lint spec
    • npx inso lint spec "MyAPI"
    • npx inso lint spec spc_a1f2a2

Lint spec

Setup Github Actions

Make Insomnia init commit

  • Insomnia > main > Commit > select all resources > add description > commit
  • Insomnia > main > push
  • in GitHub .insomnia/ will be added

Test Github Actions



  • When working:
    • disconnect from VPN
    • uncheck proxy settings in Insomnia
    • disable .npmrc proxy and registry parameters
  • Pull in Insomnia before every local commit to keep in sync!


Common errors

Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND github.com
    at __node_internal_captureLargerStackTrace (node:internal/errors:464:5)
    at __node_internal_ (node:internal/errors:686:10)
    at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (node:dns:71:26)
  • Internet connection is gone, re-connect to the internet