- How does behavioral health impact HIV and HIV treatment outcomes?
- Common Mental Disorders (CMD) - depression and anxiety
- can disrupt management of HIV - reducing engagement with care, testing, adherence, retention
- can lead to risky behaviors which increase exposure risk
- positive diagnosis can increase risk of CMD through feelings of hopelessness, isolation, stigmatization, shame
- successful treatment of HIV can reduce risk of CMD
- Next generation of depression treatment implementation
- Implement model of CMD within EMOD
- Add CMD Individual Property (IP) to EMOD which tracks individual CMD status
- Add CMD IP to the Demography File:
- Add CMD IP to the config file - report on IP
- Check: run calibrated model
- Revisit demographics and aging and how it interacts with recovery, relapse, and treatment history
- New mathematical model allows for already-depressed individuals to enter the next age bracket with memory of depression history
- Check: run calibrated model
- Add CMD IP to the Demography File:
- Integrate CMD into model with calibration - Proof of concept
- Implement simple SIS model of Depression
- Try calibrating with proof of concept
- Add CMD IP to dtk_post_process
- Add CMD prevalence calibration target to the ingest form
- Add CMD as a variable to be calibrated
- Develop R analysis tools for postprocessing
- Develop more detailed CMD model
- Add age and gender-related incidence modifiers
- Add different relapse rates for Treated and Untreated individuals
- Add differentiation between treatment and non-treatment
- Track individual treatment history, such that individuals who have received treatment are more likely to seek treatment again, less likely to have relapse
- Add CMD Individual Property (IP) to EMOD which tracks individual CMD status
- Implement interactions from CMD to HIV
- Increased risky behavior among those depressed
- Transition depressed individuals to MEDIUM risk
- Transition depressed individuals back when they recover, at appropriate rates
- Delays to testing - interrupt HCT Testing Loop
- Add a check on HCTTestingLoop1 - HCTTestingLoopRapidTest
- ART adherence - differential dropout rates
- ART VLS outcomes
- Added effective/noneffective ART choice based on CMD status
- Added ARTMortality table
- Added transition from noneffective to effective ART following CMD recovery
- Delays to initiating ART
- Increased risky behavior among those depressed
- Implement interactions from HIV to CMD
- Elevated depression incidence among HIV positive - CoitalActRiskFactors
- Adjust Risk Group to MEDIUM for depressed individuals
- Higher depression upon receiving diagnosis
- Increase depression recovery rate upon reaching VLS
- Linkage to treatment upon receiving depression diagnosis
- Future work: other preventative measures
- PrEP
- Condom use
- Future work: Depression model demographics and dynamics
- Add CMD-related excess mortality
- Re-calibrate full model with CMD
- 2024-09-07 - Generated results for first manuscript on
branch - 2024-03-03 - Presented results from
branch at CROI 2024 - 2023-10-31 - Presented results from
branch at Global Mental Health Research without Borders Conference- Need to revisit treatment and diagnosis scenarios:
- link to depression care -> screening -> diagnosis -> treatment response
- floated the possibility of implementing depression treatment distribution in the same way as PrEP distribution
- Need to revisit treatment and diagnosis scenarios: