
FitTrax - a simple fitness tracker that was built as part of an assignment. The concept was to integrate MongoDB-Mongoose to an already built front end.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


FitTrax is a fitness logger that allows users to track daily workouts. They will be able to log multiple workouts per day. Each workout can consist of multiple excersises.

Table of Contents



The site is fairly straightforward. Users can create a New Workout or select Continue Workout, where they are allowed to input multiple Exercises per workout. The exercises can be Cardio or Resistance. If the user chooses a Cardio workout, they will be allowed to track Exercise Name, Distance travelled (if applicable), and Duration. For the Resistance exercises, the user will be able to enter in Exercise Name, Weight (lbs), Sets, Reps, and Duration. The statistics of the last workout are tallied and presented on the main page. The user can also go to the Stats page to see a dashboard of all the workouts and exercises performed over the past week.


Screenshot of the main page

Main Page

Screenshot of exercise entry page

Exercise Entry

Screenshot of the Stats dashboard

Stats dashboard


Feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions or concerns.

Link to my GitHub Profile: Bertodemus

Email me at: roberto@robertorubet.com