
The to do list app is the app that helps people to track what they have to do in a day. With this app, you can add a new activity with description, remove it and also check it if it is completed.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • The to do list app is the app that helps people to track what they have to do in a day. With this app, you can add a new activity with description, remove it and also check it if it is completed. There is a lot more of what someone can do with it.

Built With

  • HTML and CSS
  • plain Javascript

How to use and run this project

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.

-Clone this repository with

git clone https://github.com/BertrandConxy/To-do-list-app.git

-using your terminal or command line.

-Change to the project directory by entering :

cd To-do-list-app, in the terminal.

-run code to open it in vscode. However, there are some project requisites required for this project to run properly


  • This project makes use of bundler called 'Webpack' which manages all the dependencies and files for this project.
  • To install it, follow this:
  • Locate to the directory of the project
  • In the terminal, npm init -y to initialise the package manager
  • Again, in the terminal, npm install to install everything.

Project Status

This project is finished and deplyed with Github pages.


Screenshot (116)

Live Demo link



Up to now, there are no issues with it.

Here is the link to the Issues tab:



👤 Bertrand Mutangana Ishimwe

👤 Daniel Yerimah

👤 Adekunle Ismael

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Thanks to Vanafor your help.
  • Thanks to everyone else who helped me.