Public Transport, Open Data and Open source. Developer at @trafiklab Volunteering for a better commuter experience through @iRail and @hyperrail.
@trafiklab / trafiklab.seStockholm, Sweden
Bertware's Followers
- Andrewer11Hungary
- BagheeraBearHaninge, Sweden
- Baricanac
- bijanmmarkes@vta
- Denver1523
- devteam156
- DeyemiA
- DylanVanAsschePhD Researcher @IDLabResearch Ghent
- eliasarnestrand
- HennecartLisa
- IanRobinMarshRISE AB
- iatacodesAirLabs.Co
- jncnBelgium
- Lofvenhaft
- LordJuniorMinas Gerais, Brazil
- LucianaMarquesVancouver
- michieldewilde@spacelift-io
- Neustradamus
- nizirisVolvo AB
- novrom1982
- PierreMesureEkonomistyrningsverket & @civictechsweden
- PlagueSix
- praw26Stockholm
- RadCraftplayPoland
- slammonover there
- snowbear1472@teamatus
- Sup-Sup123
- thelittlewozniak@woogma
- timrijckaertTapped @DPGmedia
- TroRon
- tthoeye
- tuurleyck@elastic
- W33b0
- worming004CraftLab IT
- yveshanoullePairCoaching