This project is part of an audited online course I used to teach myself Web Development. The course is: Building Dynamic Websites by Harvard University


The mission for this project is to implement The Bart, a mashup that allows users to visualize BART routes on a Google Maps and also click stations to see when the next trains depart (or arrive).

According to the spicification specified HERE


The homepage must provide the user with a method of choosing one BART route at a time. Once selected, a route should is drawn as polylines on the map based on inputs from the BART server, in the route’s official color, with markers representing each of that route’s stations. Each station, when clicked, triggers an info window that summarizes the next Trains departing from (or arriving at) that station.

Route Clicked Output Baloon Clicked on Route


  • php
  • Javascript- Jquery
  • Ajax: XML and JSON.
  • Third party APIs (Google Maps, BART API)
  • SQL (MySQL) for Web caching