
Moveit2 package and ros2_control launchers for dexhand v1

Primary LanguagePython

dexhand_control ROS2 Package


dexhand_control is a ROS2 package designed for controlling the DexHand robotic system thrugh MOVEIT2 package. It provides functionalities for managing the robotic hand's movements and interactions.


Ensure the following dependencies are installed in your ROS2 environment:

  • ros2_control: ROS2 control framework for managing controllers.
  • ros2_controllers: ROS2 package providing various controllers for robot joints.
  • dexhand_description: Package
  • moveit2: ROS2 package for motion planning and manipulation. containing the DexHand robot description files.

The following commands will install some of the dependencies.

sudo apt install ros-humble-moveit 
sudo apt install ros-humble-ros2-control 
sudo apt install ros-humble-ros2-controllers

you will also need to clone the dexhand_description to your src folder.


  1. Clone this repository into your ROS2 workspace, src folder
cd ..
colcon build
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
source install/setup.bash   

to launch the demo package

ros2 launch dexhand_control demo.launch.py

When demoing the dexhand moveit package, make sure to activiate "approx IK solution" as shown in the following image.

Dexhand Moveit2 screenshot.