
Notification script for Top Hat.

Primary LanguagePython

Top Hat Notify

Simple Python script to notify me when a new Top Hat question is posted.

Now you can safely skip class and still be notified when the prof posts a Top Hat question!


  • Works with multiple Top Hat courses
  • Plays notification sound (notifySound.wav)
  • Prints notification to console
  • On Windows, sends a proper Windows notification

Setup and Install

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/Beskamir/TopHatNotify

Setup your config.ini file

  • Rename sampleConfig.ini to config.ini
  • Fill it with
    • Your credentials
    • The Top Hat urls you want it to check

Install the necessary libraries (some of these should be installed by default but I'll list them anyway)

pip install selenium
pip install playsound
pip install win10toast
pip install typing
pip install time
pip install configparser
pip install json
pip install os

Run the Python file

py -3 .\Notify.py

Platform/Python Requirments

  • Developed and tested on Windows 10
  • Should be crossplatform except for win10toast
  • Uses Python 3 but it might be compatible with Python 2

Known issues

  • Might have some false positives

Nice to have features that I probably won't implement unless I get bored

  • Different notification sound for first message vs reminders
  • Time stamp the notifications when printing them to the console
  • Ability to dismiss or turn off the notification reminders