Best Buy API Groovy SDK

This library allows easy access to Best Buy API. To use this library you will need an API KEY, which you can get from BestBuy's site. You can find complete documentation at Best Buy Developer's site


This library is a gradle project, and all commands described below can be executed by just using the gradle script included in the root directory: gradlew (or gradlew.bat in Win).

Create Jar

To create the jar to be included in your project, just run:

./gradlew build

Using the library in your project

With the jar generated in the previous step included in your project classpath, you can use BestBuyClient class to start interacting with the API.

def bby = new BestBuyClient()
println "BEST BUY PRODUCTS: ${bby.getProducts().data}"

The above example assumes you have set an environment variable 'BBY_API_KEY' with your Api Key.

If you want to provide it directly in your code, you can just call the correct constructor

def bby = new BestBuyClient("myApiKeyValue")
println "BEST BUY PRODUCTS: ${bby.getProducts().data}"


There are two dependencies for this library (as you can check in build.gradle file):

  • Log4j
  • HttpBuilder

If you want to generate a distribution zip with complete dependencies jars included, you can run command:

./gradlew distZip

This command will generate the ZIP file in path ./build/distributions

More Examples

Please check the class to see all

You can run the examples with the 'run' task. If you have the BBY_API_KEY environment variable set:

./gradlew run 

If not, just provide it as an argument(e.g. 'myApiKeyValue':

./gradlew run -PexampleArgs=apiKey:myApiKeyValue


Generating Groovy Doc

Complete Groovy Doc for the library can be generated with 'groovyDoc'

./gradlew groovyDoc


Running tests

The spock tests can be executed by gradle's 'test' task:

./gradlew test