React Native Template

This is React Native Template created by BestarDev.
I want to build this project by online eas build.


Refer this installation process

- For Local Project

npm install

- For Global Node Env

npm install --global expo-cli eas-cli


After install all neccessary npm packages, then you will type this command to get preview screen.

npm start

If you encouter some network issue while connecting to expo site, then use this command to work offline mode.

npm start --offline

You can use yarn instead of npm.
After executing this command, then you will power on an Android Emulator (like Android Studio Emulator, Memu, Momo, GenyMotion, Nox and so on). And then you must install Expo Go App on this emulator. You can download Expo Go App here or Refer here.
After power on the emulator, then you will press simple a key in the command prompt. Before press a key in the command prompt, this CMD will be waiting for your key press.
This is the screen you will get after execute the above command.


I have some network issue to build this project for android. I think expo is the most convenient way to Create React Native App and Build without any issue like gradle or any other stuff. But expo only works online and build the project online too. I have been faced with network issue as build this project.

Build Step

You can use expo or eas build command, because you have already installed expo-cli and eas-cli.

Be aware of this!
You can use expo build command for Android SDK 47 or older, but you must use eas build command for SDK 47 or above. So I want to recommend eas build command for this project.

Follow these steps to build this project.

  • Login to Expo and Connect with VS Code

    expo login

    And then you can type Email or Username and Password for expo account. If you don't have expo account, then you must login and verify. Adn then you can use this email and password for the above.

    Be aware of this!
    You should use Command Prompt instead of PowerShell. If you use PowerShell, you might get sign issue when using expo or eas command.

  • Build by EAS CLI

eas build -p android

After building this project, I think you can get the final APK file to your expo account. I want to confirm this and get the final standalone APK file.
I will be gald if you complete this final Requirement Step.