Script to search for security updates installed and/or missing
Jan-Andre Tiedemann, Andreas Mirbach, Jan-Hendirk Peters
Amended by Jan Tiedemann to run offline, added automated download capability of wsusscn2.cab file and parameter handling
A CASE script to search for missing security updates used in the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyser
.PARAMETER ComputerName
The machine or machines to connect to if multiple seperated by comma
.PARAMETER Server_file
The multiple machines inside a text file
The path to the offline scan file, if file does not exists it will be downloaded via WebClient API
.\Get-MissingSecurityUpdates.ps1 -Server_file 'c:\tmp\myservers.txt'
.\Get-MissingSecurityUpdateses.ps1 -ComputerName 'Server1,Server2,Server3'
.\Get-MissingSecurityUpdateses.ps1 -ComputerName 'Server1' | Format-Table | Out-File -Path $env:temp\MissingUpdates-$env:Computername.log
.\Get-MissingSecurityUpdates.ps1 -ComputerName 'jantiede-x1' -UpdateSearchFilter 'IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0'
System.String. You can pipe it into a Table and write it into a csv for further excel processing.