
Build Status

A suite of XrmToolBox tools to overcome D365 feature gaps.


Environment comparer is a tool that simplifies the comparison between different environments.



Solution manager is a tool that provides an intuitive, easy to use, UI on the solution import process. When connected to an environment, it shows the last importjob with the following info:

  • Solution uniquename
  • Solution friendlyname
  • Solution version
  • Solution publisher
  • Solution description
  • Import percentage of completeness (with a progressbar)
  • Import output logs (with warnings and errors)

It provides the following capabilities

  • autorefresh
  • search by CTRL+F / F3
  • enriched output log view via treeview


Data Model Wiki Editor mai purpose is to generate markdown documentation for a set of entities in a given DataVerse environment.


  • A target folder, that can contain
    • a json configuration file (if none, it will be created)
    • an excel configuration file (if none, it will be created)


  • Possibilità di eseguire confronti parziali (solo su un subset di entità della lista)
  • Possibilità di visualizzare il json di configurazione e modificarlo a mano (con validazione)
  • Possibilità di monitorare il processo di uninstall delle solution.


You can download the tool using the Release page or NuGet: