Nginx Dockerfile

This project can be used to deploy an nginx server inside a Docker container.

Running the Container

To run a standalone container with all the default settings.

sudo docker run --name nginx -p 80:80/tcp -p 443:443/tcp -v /src/webapp:/usr/share/nginx/html bettervoice/nginx-container:1.7.10

Deployment Environment Variables

NGINX_SERVER_NAME - The nginx server name. (default: localhost)

NGINX_PORT - The port number nginx will listen on. (default: 80)

NGINX_SSL_ENABLED - The nginx enabled flag. Options are True and False. (default: False)

NGINX_SSL_PORT - The SSL port number nginx will listen on. (default: 443)

NGINX_CERT_PATH - The SSL certificate path. (default: None)

NGINX_KEY_PATH - The SSL key path. (default: None)