I am BwE of betterwayelectronics.com.au and I have been creating software to validate the PlayStation's flash since 2008 with the help of psdevwiki.com :)
I also repair consoles locally in Australia and have been doing that since 2008 also. I am only recently slowing that down due to commitments with a PhD I am undertaking.
This program is targeted towards businesses with bulk amounts of PS5s to repair. My products also come with support and continued development.
You can however use this program online at a huge discount: https://validate.betterwayelectronics.com.au/
More features are added whenever I have time to experiment with my PS5s here and or when I get a large amount of PS5 dumps from the public.
No, that is the PS5 Code Reader (https://betterwayelectronics.com.au/ps5codereader) - You can buy that and this program together as a package and save 15%!
I protect my programs with Themida. The problem with this is that heuristically some AV software see it as a threat.
This is totally fine and normal, but also very annoying and unavoidable.
Visit https://betterwayelectronics.com.au/virus.html for more information!
- Will this fix my BLOD? It depends, if the console beeps once and flashes briefly then theres a higher chance. Same if there is no beep at all.
- Will this prove my BLOD is software based? Yes, if the dump comes up 100% valid then it is likely a hardware issue.
Launches the comparison app, used for the bulk diagnosis and comparison of dumps (Put multiple .bin files in the same directory). Features multiple output and filter options.
1. Compare Specific Version Only
2. Compare Specific SKU Only
3. Compare Specific Version & SKU Only
4. Compare All Dumps
1. Compare Offsets (Hex)
2. Compare Offsets (ASCII)
3. Compare Offsets MD5
4. Compare Offsets Entropy
5. Compare Offsets Statistics
6. Double Offset Comparison (Data 1 & Data 2)
7. Double Offset Comparison (Data 1 & MD5 2)
8. Double Offset Comparison (MD5 1 & MD5 2)
9. Dynamic MD5 Calculation
10. Compare File Entropy & Byte Count
11. Compare File MD5
12. Sort Dumps Into Folders (SKU - FW)
13. Extract Dumps by Offset
1 - Select Different Dump
Return to Main Menu!
2 - Extract Dump
1. Extract (BwE Style)
Extract based on literal files and does so dynamically based on their size.
2. Extract (Traditional Style)
Extracting file sections pursuant to Sony's file blocks.
3 - Patch (/Patches/)
Designed to load .bin patches from the /Patches/ directory. It will interpret and auto locate patch offsets if they've been extracted by my program. If not it will ask for a start address.
4 - Re-Generate Dump
Attempts to make an entirely fresh dump, but with your consoles important data within. Will likely fix any corruption you may had, but this process is not perfect.
Now supports all firmwares and all SKU's but needs more testing. Let me know of any issues, updates to the PS5 FW may require updates to this feature.
5 - Switch Between Disc/Digital
Only uses flags within the dump itself to change whether it is a disc or digital console. May fix SU-101312-8 errors during updates.
6 - IDU Toggle
Simply enable and disable IDU Mode. Use at own risk!
7 - Data Transfer/Harvest Data
The PS5 will not boot and will beep once if your MAC address (or its hash) is corrupted, harvesting one from another console is the only solution as it cannot be generated/modified.
Another use for this is if you have one working dump and want to transfer its key data (MAC, Serial, SKU, Board IDs) to a corrupt one. It will let you select which data you want to transfer over and will make a patch.
I would still recommend using the re-generator process instead of your own dump as it patches significantly more, but this is a valuable alternative should it fail, though a lot of per-console data will be gone forever.
8 - Change/Patch Southbridge
Fix your current Southbridge or patch it from one with a different version. This helps facilitate swapping between different types of Southbridge chip.
Illustration provided on what to mask on the board for this to work.
9 - Validate + Statistics
Attempts to validate each file/area within the PS5 based on various aspects such as hash, entropy, statistics, repetition, block validation etc.
Also uses aggregate statistical data of the entire dump to determine if the console is significantly corrupt or not.
10 - Upload Only
Add your dump to the collective!
File MD5: 56AB929AE27ED2DD82A56AC487B1D62B
Technical Support: bweps5readme@betterwayelectronics.com.au
System Requirements:
Minimum 4 CPU Threads
Windows XP, 7-11 (64bit)
100mb+ Storage Space
Archive Password:
1.2.6 (1/4/24) Significantly Updated Validations, Updated Re-Generator, Updated Southbridge Patcher, Updated Bulk Extractor
1.2.5 (11/2/24) Significantly Updated Validations, Updated Re-Generator, Changed MAC Harvester to Data Transfer/Harvest, Fixed Bulk MD5 Output.
1.2.4 (18/1/24) Updated Validations, Bug Fixes
1.2.3 (3/1/24) Updated Validations, Updated Patcher, UI Fixes (Text & Menu)
1.2.2 (21/12/23) Updated Re-Generator (New Method), Updated Validations.
1.2.1 (11/12/23) Added Southbridge Patcher, Completed NVS Validations (Alpha), Updated Existing Validations, Added Statistics For Bulk Tools, Updated Regenerator, Fixed Bugs Throughout
1.2.0 (19/11/23) Added More Validations, Changed Validation Method (Testing)
1.1.9 (14/11/23) Added 2000 Support (Re-Generator & Validation), Added Some NVS Validations (Will Complete Later), Updated Overall Validations (Rehaul), Fixed Connection Issues, Fixed File Handling Issues, Other Small Bug Fixes.
1.1.8 (1/11/23) Added Repetition Checks, Added WiFi MAC, Updated MAC Harvester, Updated Bulk Tools, Updated Regenerator, Improved Version Detection, Improved Extraction, Improved Validation, Fixed Bulk Tools Bug.
1.1.7 (22/10/23) Updated Re-Generator (Better 1200 Support)
1.1.6 (21/10/23) Significantly Updated Validations, Added Dump Extractor, Added Dump Patcher, Reworked Bulk Tools Menu, Added Bulk Extractor
1.1.5 (5/9/23) Updated Menu, Updated Validations
1.1.4 (7/8/23) Updated Regenerator, Updated Validations, Other Small Updates/Fixes
1.1.3 (3/8/23) Updated MAC Harvester (1200 Issue)
1.1.2 (2/8/23) Updated To Suit Latest PS5 FW, Better Firmware Handling (Current & Past), Updated Comparison Tool (Better Outputs, More Options)
1.1.1 (23/7/23) Fixed MAC Harvester, Other Small Fixes.
1.1.0 (18/7/23) IDU Mode Toggle, Fixed Input Issues, Fixed NOR Uploading (Please Re-Upload!)
1.0.9 (12/7/23) HWID Generator Update, Better Support for Chinese Systems
1.0.8 (10/7/23) Added MAC Harvesting, Bug Fixes
1.0.7 (17/6/23) Better 1200 & FW 6.00+ Validation & Generation
1.0.6 (11/6/23) Bug Fixes, Updated HWID Generation
1.0.5 (19/5/23) Updated Re-Generation Process (Full/Partial Methods), Updated Validations
1.0.4 (17/5/23) Updated Validations, Bug Fixes
1.0.3 (15/5/23) Total Rebuild of Re-Generation Process (Full FW/SKU Support), Update to Statistics Validation, Added File/Area Validation, Menu Fixes
1.0.2 (3/5/23) Added USB Licensing Support
1.0.1 (21/4/23) Updated Generation Process
1.0.0 (18/4/23) First Release!
Thailand (Xohke!)
PS3/PS4 Dev Wiki (+ Its Contributors)
Proudly made in Perl with Notepad++ by BwE, alone </3
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcmMSYmwSUQ <--- My Video!
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noS8wfZA99g <--- My Other Video!
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDNld92tsZc <--- My PS5 Video
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cegGCQwKTtU <--- My Code Reader & NOR Tools Video
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fE4qGHJyX8E
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1F0AL3ttjY
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7RpkG5hiA0
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hXO60rUt40
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8-AMvsfadM (Uncredited)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syfiph70reQ
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBktKSx4FzQ
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCOUepj5_8o
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXOBX6BDg0I
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8DyudhA7ME
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gk7HtYih84
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3wgiudcTEA
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EISO-t2fnMw
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yal7cwdIKCg
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5ZUEyya82g
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHifHpquN6E
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laxB_D80nJE
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7D4Zte3vzvg
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35DFGCim_WY
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9nopeQw6dI (Uncredited)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSiMdqTJTk8 (Uncredited - Spanish)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEDRb-XIqlw (Uncredited - Spanish)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7Vboawafc4 (Uncredited)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5q0WWyYNsTs (Uncredited)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AH-9jE1uDPk
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSOWV-r_0J4 (Uncredited)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kol1Zy9xc8I
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AH-9jE1uDPk
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-ukC-Jjwfg
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjkbB3lnRLw (Weird)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2c2UeM9V3A (Uhhh)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAk2oF0cByg
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLrudwJHycU (Kinda Uncredited)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGnEu4UwsU4
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5q0WWyYNsTs (Uncredited)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEwgtvKcB58 (Uncredited)
- https://repair.wiki/w/PS4_UART_Guide
- https://wololo.net/tag/bwe/
- http://www.logic-sunrise.com/recherche/bwe/
- https://www.biteyourconsole.net/?s=bwe
- https://psdevwiki.com/ps4/
- https://psx-core.ru/forum/48-3196-3
- https://consolefix.ru/aktivaciya-uart-dlya-diagnostiki-blod/
- https://vlab.su/
- https://gbatemp.net/search/3666652/?q=bwe&o=relevance
- https://gamegaz.com/2022122937784/
- https://www.psxhax.com/threads/release-bwe-ps4-nor-validator.6139/
- https://www.playstationhax.xyz/forums/topic/5259-release-bwe-ps4-nor-validator/
- https://www.psx-place.com/threads/tutorial-how-to-take-a-nor-backup-on-every-ps4.28070/
- https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8196671153
- https://yoschi.cc/gaming/es-ist-anscheinend-moeglich-ihre-ps4-ohne-backup/
- https://psx-core.ru/forum/48-3196-5
- https://www.betterwayelectronics.com.au/
- https://instagram.com/betterwayelectronics
- https://github.com/BetterWayElectronics/
- https://twitter.com/BwE_Dev
- http://www.ps5repair.com.au/
If you are a commercial user, I highly suggest you buy the software here: https://betterwayelectronics.com.au/bweps4norvalidator Otherwise there is a cheaper alternative available at https://validate.betterwayelectronics.com.au/
I also sell Syscon writing hardware here: https://betterwayelectronics.com.au/#hardware
After purchase, provide your HWID via the provided application to obtain your license key.