Hotel Management I.S Analytics with JS ,HTML And CSS

Revenue Pie Chart

This JavaScript code generates a pie chart using the Chart.js library to visualize revenue data for each month. The pie chart represents revenue data in Kenya Shillings (KES).

Getting Started

#To use this code, follow these steps:

Ensure you have included the Chart.js library in your project. Copy the provided JavaScript code into your project. Update the revenue data (revenueData) and labels (revenueLabels) according to your data. Ensure you have a canvas element with the ID "revenuePieChart" in your HTML file where the chart will be rendered. html

Initialize the Chart by calling the provided JavaScript code within a <script> tag or in an external JavaScript file. html

<script src="path/to/chart.js"></script> <script src="path/to/your/script.js"></script>

Customize the code further if needed.

Revenue Data

Revenue data is provided as an array (revenueData) containing revenue values for each month. Modify this array to reflect your own revenue data.


You can customize the appearance of the pie chart by adjusting colors, thresholds, and labels within the JavaScript code. Refer to the comments in the code for guidance.
This code relies on the Chart.js library for generating the pie chart. Ensure you have included Chart.js in your project.
Gideon Bett, Gidcom Techs