
An android app which pulls your walmart schedule automatically, and puts it into your calendar.

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


The main operations performed by this app are conducted in the SiteScraper class and the CalManager class. SiteScraper has only one entrance, Execute(), which uses a HttpClient to login to WalmartOne and returns the schedule html for HtmlAgilityPack to parse. The Execute() method returns a SiteScraperReturnObject that indicates the return status as well as any data( a list of Day objects).

The list that is returned by SiteScraper is then sent to the CalManager class via Execute() which also requires a SettingsObject. The SettingsObject holds all the settings for the app such as event colors, event title, etc.

The CalManager class also contains a few helper methods, such as ChangeTimeslot(): for changing a specific timeslot; GetCalendars(): for getting a list of all calendars on the device; GetEventCollection(): for retrieving all the events stored in the database; and DeleteTimeslot(): for deleting the given timeslot.

The app uses JobScheduler for running as a service, which activates immediately on toggling, followed by once per 3 hours. The job scheduler actually runs two services, the EventService and the ReminderService. EventService is the service which scrapes WalmartOne and adds/updates your calendar, ReminderService follows about 5 minutes later which updates all the events reminders. This route was needed because there is a race condition when using CalendarContract to add an event and then edit the reminder. If anyone has any other solutions feel free to let me know!

If you inspect the Day class, you can see that there are two DateTime properties for start and end. The BackupX property is set when the object is created or updated by the SiteScraper data, and is what is compared when checking the schedule in future transactions. The start/end properties without the Backup prefix are the displayed data. When a user updates a specific timeslot, only the start/end properties are adjusted preventing overwrite unless the shift is updated on WalmartOne.

Thanks for using my app! If you have any questions or concerns you can create an issue, or comment on the Reddit post!