
iTalanta portfolio template for the open-source externships

Hi 👋, I'm Beulah Mathenge

About to graduate from Moringa, ready to start working with iTalanta open-source!


Beulah's LinkedIn   Beulah's Twitter  


Get to know me

💬 I'm an expert on Ruby, RailsReactsJS, Javascript, HTML5 and CSS.

📝 I regularly write articles on https://medium.com/@beulahdaizy/

📄 Know about my experiences through my CV

🌱 I’m currently developing a storage booking app.

⚡ Fun fact? Find me behind the violin 🎻 ,drums 🪘 or making delicious sauces 🍅

My work

🔭 I’m currently working on Elewa

🔭 I’m currently working on Kujali

👨‍💻 Review my projects at https://github.com/Beulah-Matt

Interested ?

📫 Reach me on beulahdaizy@gmail.com

My Experience

Project Elewa


The Elewa CLM is the world's first Conversational Learning Manager

I have worked on an adding validations and saving inputs as variables for multiple blocks and currently working on interactive video upload modal

My contributions

Date Issue Status Link
10/07/23 🎨 Update main side menu items to match design 549 Merged 550
06/07/23 🐛 🔍 When I search for an item I should only see relevant results 466 Merged 545
21/06/23 🎨 📈 📜 Improvement on the Assessment List Page 533 Merged 536
10/06/23 🎨 Restrict Blocks from overlapping each other 506 In Progress 506
24/05/23 💾 Video is not uploaded when I close the modal 486 Complete 502
18/05/23 🐛 Deleting a block with connections when unsaved 424 Merged 490
03/05/23 💾 Save List Block Result As a Variable 445 Merged 461
24/04/23 💾 Save Image Input Block Result As a Variable 441 Merged 442
17/04/23 🎨 📝 Add validation for text fields on blocks 305 Merged 441
14/04/23 🧰 Add Hover Tooltip to Delete Icon of Connections 428 Closed 434
11/04/23 💾 📌 Save Location Input Block Result As a Variable 406 Merged 414
04/04/23 🚀 Fix Bug when updating an active bot image 334 In Progress 334
21/03/23 🚀 Move the End button to the blocks lists 355 Merged 380
10/03/23 🚀 Add save functionality to update channel modal 342 Help Needed 342
04/03/23 🚀 Make a video upload modal 336 Merged 411

Project Elewa-Group


The Elewa-Group is a Community concious entity which provides but not limited to a Learning Management System, natures talent through iTalanta and offers technological solutions to companies worldwide.

I have worked on a reusable button compont and currently working on a Team Members Carousel

Loooking to merge the Dynamic Footer [252](italanta/elewa-group#252)

My contributions

Date Issue Status Link
27/02/23 🚀 Make a Brands Library and Add routing #318 Merged 332
27/02/23 🚀 Make a Careers Library and Add routing #311 Closed 330
27/02/23 🚚🏠⚡ Reusable brand banners component 321 Merged 337
23/02/23 🚀 Create a key Card Component to show Impact Figures #244 Merged 297
22/02/23 🚀 Make the footer Dynamic #252 Closed 278
20/02/23 🚀 Design a timeline history carousel #22 Closed 237
16/02/23 🚀 Design a social impact people section #30 Merged 264
13/02/23 🚀 Design a text and image banner #31 Closed 184
10/02/23 🚀 Design a team Carousel #41 In Progress 41
08/02/23 🚚🏠⚡ Reusable button component #13 Closed 13

The technologies I used

typescript angular html5 css3 gcp firebase nodejs

Project Hazina


Hazina is a storage booking application allowing for customers to book storage spaces depending on their location and types of items stored. It has provisions for short-term and long-term storage, small-scale and warehouse storage. Looking for funding for this.

I was the scrum master for this project, working with a team of four others. I have developed the base architecture for the storage management system. Did the authorization and authentication logic for both the frontend and backend Designed the Rails API backend.

My contributions

Date Issue Status Link
19/01/23 🏇 Updated the booking routes Completed #22
12/01/23 🏇 Upgraded signin logic to being handled through context. Closed/Approved #22

The technologies I used

typescript angular html5 css3 gcp firebase nodejs chartjs

My GitHub Overview


-- angular









-- RUBY ON RAILS rails

-- REACT react

-- REDUX redux

-- RUBY ruby