
Raw Pointer:
    We allocate memory for an instance of MyClass using new.
    After using the object, we manually deallocate the memory using delete.
    Forgetting to deallocate the memory or improperly managing the pointer 
    can lead to memory leaks or dangling pointers.

Smart Pointer:
    We use std::unique_ptr, which automatically manages memory for dynamically allocated objects.
    We use std::make_unique to create an instance of MyClass.
    Memory is automatically deallocated when the std::unique_ptr goes out of scope.
    Smart pointers help prevent memory leaks and dangling pointers by ensuring proper 
    ownership and automatic memory management.

if you get this error: pointers_example.cpp:35:51: error: no member named 'make_unique' in namespace 'std' std::unique_ptr smartPtr = std::make_unique(42); // Allocate memory using make_unique

    means you need to to switch to c++14 or c++17
    or else, change this:
    std::unique_ptr<Pointers> smartPtr = std::make_unique<Pointers>(42);
    to this
    std::unique_ptr<Pointers> smartPtr(new Pointers(42));

To run it:

step 1 - g++ -std=c++14 -o pointers_example pointers_example.cpp

step 2 - ./pointers_example