In response to this tweet by @0xMert
I'm currently building out an API that can respond to a mint address with a "reputation" response that vendors can use to filter out spam.
The idea is to provide the wallet providers with info about the cNFT
Response would contain something like: cNFT -> is a verified nft on tensor/magic eden? cNFT Creator (list) -> are they known spammer wallet? activity? suspicious activity? cNFT Metadata -> the api can scan the nft's image/metadata and browse to the website and check if there's any wallet draining code, and if so, that is also provided.
[x] Scaffold Done [x] Integration with Helius DAS Api [~] Pydantic Models for different DAS API Response/Requests being written [x] Write Scanners: _ Scanner for creator transaction history. _ Scanner for creator age. _ Scanner for creator balances. [x] Write Scoring Algo: _ NFT Collection Reputation. * NFT Creator Reputation. [x] Add Endpoints for providers to call.