
libRocket integration for urho3d.


  • CMakeLists.txt -- For integrating into urho3d cmake build
  • Urho3DRenderInterface -- For rendering pipeline integration
  • Urho3DSystemInterface -- For system/timing integration
  • RocketTest.cpp -- Example urho3d application demonstrating the integration


Download the libRocket source and place it in your urho3d/ThirdParty directory. Drop in this CMakeLists.txt file into the libRocket directory (i.e urho3d/ThirdParty/libRocket). Include a reference in your application CMakeLists.txt file for libRocket's include directory set (LIBS ../Engine/Container ... ../ThirdParty/libRocket/Include)

Put Urho3DRenderInterface.h/.cpp and Urho3DSystemInterface.h/.cpp in your project somewhere.

Instantiate Urho3DRenderInterface and Urho3DSystemInterface with urho3d's context. Register them with libRocket:


Setup libRocket as normal (look at the examples).

Subscribe to the E_ENDRENDERING event:

SubscribeToEvent(E_ENDRENDERING, HANDLER(HelloWorld, HandlePostRender));

and call rocket's render method in HandlePostRender.

If you want to run the RocketTest.cpp example you need to merge the Data/* directory with the Bin/Data directory that comes with Urho3D.


This integration excludes python. It also makes no assumptions about user input. See the libRocket docs for user input integration: http://librocket.com/wiki/documentation/C%2B%2BManual/Input