#homework0 This homework is simply used to check if all students know how to work with git and github (no credit). At the sametime, it also helps me to know you a little bit more :)

Brief self-introduction [max 500 words]

I'm a master student now working under Acoustics and Hearing group Lab in NTHU
Programming language:C++,Matlab,python,C#(use in Unity)
Interests:Piano(15 years+ experience),Texas holdem,computer graphic,write computer game

Why Computer Vision? [max 500 words]

Computer vision can not only be used on image data, the raw data such as audio file can
also be solved by the same technic if the correct features been used.Plus,the computing speed
will speed up alot if we use GPU to do multi data operation at the same clock cycle.

What do you want to achieve in the course? [ max 500 words]

I hope I can construct the whole neural network myself,solving some intereting problems
such as audio generation,poker,and so on. I believe the world will change alot after neural 
network technic become increasingly mature,since it can be applied in almost every domain. 

PS. 中文 or English are both fine.

Due Date: Sept. 20, 2017