image contrast enhancement

  1. Enter the dist directory, and then execute the command in the terminal.
pip install ContrastEnhancement-0.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
  1. If you wanna test the algorithm, you can put the images into data file and enter this command as follows:
python -name *.jpg -gamma 0.00

The local contrast enhancement can be controlled by the gamma parameter in the range [0,1], the larger the gamma is, the more details the algorithm produces.

  1. The original images are shown on the left, and the enhanced image on the right.
Raw Image Enhanced Image
  1. QRCM: This measure considers both the level of relative contrast enhancement between input and output images and distortions resulting from the enhancement process. The measure produces a number in the range [−1, 1] where -1 and 1 refer to full level of contrast degradation and improvement, respectively.

  2. References
    [1] Spatial Entropy-Based Global and Local Image Contrast Enhancement
    [2] Spatial Mutual Information and PageRank-Based Contrast Enhancement and Quality-Aware Relative Contrast Measure