
Git bash commands that I've learned


Task 1:

  1. See where I am -- pwd

  2. Create folder -- mkdir folder

  3. Go to the folder -- cd folder/

  4. Create 3 folders -- mkdir qa1 qa2 qa3

  5. Go to any folder -- cd qa1/

  6. Create 5 files (3 txt, 2 json) -- touch file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt file4.json file5.json

  7. Create 3 folders -- mkdir b1 b2 b3

  8. List folder contents -- ls

    • Open any txt file -- cat >> file1.txt

    • write something there, any text -- (text){press ENTER}

    • save and exit -- {press CTRL+C}

  9. Exit the folder one level up -- cd ../

  10. move any 2 files you created to any other folder -- mv qa1/{file4.json,file5.json} qa2

  11. copy any 2 files you created to any other folder -- cp qa1/{file2.txt,file3.txt} qa2

  12. Find file by name -- find -name file3.txt

  13. view content in real time -- tail -F qa1/file1.txt

  14. output the first few lines from a text file -- head qa1/file1.txt

  15. output the last few lines from a text file -- tail qa1/file1.txt

  16. view the contents of a long file -- less qa1/file1.txt

  17. display date and time -- date

Send an http request


Send an http request to the server.

curl ""

Write a script

Write a script that will automatically execute steps 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13:

  1. Create a file + write a script there -- cat >> script.txt
mkdir folder
cd folder
mkdir qa1 qa2 qa3
cd qa1
touch file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt file4.json file5.json
mkdir b1 b2 b3
mv qa1/{file4.json,file5.json} qa2/
  1. save and exit -- {press CTRL+C}

  2. make file executable -- chmod +x ./script.txt

  3. run script -- ./script.txt


Task 2:

  1. Make folder dir_1 -- mkdir dir_1

  2. Go to the folder dir_1 -- cd dir_1/

  3. Create folder inner_dir_1 -- mkdir inner_dir_1

  4. See where you are -- pwd

  5. Being in the dir_1 folder, create an empty text file tf_1.txt -- touch tf_1.txt

  6. Being in the dir_1 folder, use the cat command to create a text file tf_2.txt with the following lines:

  • the first 1
  • second 2
  • the third 3

cat >> tf_2.txt

  • the first 1
  • second 2
  • the third 3

{press CTRL+C}

  1. Go to the folder inner_dir_1 -- cd inner_dir_1/

  2. Through cat, make a text file tf_3.txt with any lines:

cat >> tf_3.txt

  • the fourth 4
  • the fifth 5

{press CTRL+C}

  1. Through cat, add the line “the second 2” to the text file tf_3.txt -- cat >> tf_3.txt

  2. Through cat add the line “the sec 2” to the text file tf_3.txt -- cat >> tf_3.txt

  3. Through cat add the line “the sec 3” to the text file tf_2.txt -- cat >> ../tf_2.txt

  4. Through cat add the line “the SeCoNd 2” to the text file tf_3.txt -- cat >> tf_3.txt

  5. Through cat add the line “the seConD 2” to the text file tf_2.txt -- cat >> ../tf_2.txt

  6. Make a text file tf_4.txt with 15 lines -- seq 14 |xargs -Iz echo ''>> tf_4.txt

  7. Make a text file tF_5.txt with 13 lines -- seq 12 |xargs -Iz echo ''>> tf_5.txt

  8. List all files in a folder -- ls -la

  9. Exit the folder inner_dir_1 -- cd ..

  10. Output the contents of the tf_3.txt file to the terminal -- cat inner_dir_1/tf_3.txt

  11. Find the path to the file tf_4.txt -- find -name tf_4.txt

  12. Clear the file tf_4.txt from the contents without deleting the file itself -- inner_dir_1/tf_4.txt

  13. Find the path to files that have "tf" in the name -- find . -name '*tf*.*'

  14. Find the path to files that have "tf" in the name and letters in any case -- find . -iname '*tf*.*'

  15. Find lines in files where there is a combination of letters “sec” in the current folder -- grep 'sec' *.*

  16. Find lines in files where there is a combination of letters “sec” in any case in the current folder -- grep -i 'sec' *.*

  17. Find lines in files where there is only a combination of letters “sec” in the current folder -- grep -w 'sec' *.*

  18. Find lines in files where there is only a combination of letters “sec” in any case in the current folder -- grep -iw 'sec' *.*

  19. Find lines in files where there is a combination of letters “second” in the current folder -- grep 'second' *.*

  20. Find lines in files where there is a combination of letters “second” in any case in the current folder -- grep -i 'second' *.*

  21. Find lines in files where there is a combination of letters “second” in all folders below the level -- grep -h 'second' */*

  22. Find only the path and file name in the lines that contain the combination of the letters “second” in the current folder -- grep -l second *.* | xargs find -name

  23. Find all lines in all files where there is no “second” combination -- grep -vr 'second' *

  24. Find only the name and path to files where there is no “second” combination -- grep -Lr second | find

  25. Output the last 4 lines of any text file to the terminal -- tail -4 tf_2.txt

  26. Output to terminal 4 the first lines of any text file -- head -4 tf_2.txt

  27. Command in one line. Create folder and create text file with contents -- mkdir inner_dir_2 | echo 'content' >> tf_9.txt

  28. Command in one line. Move to any one folder text files that have the word “sec” in their contents -- grep -lw sec */* | xargs mv -t inner_dir_2

  29. Command in one line. Copy to any one folder text files that have the word “sec” in their contents -- grep -lw sec */* | xargs cp -t inner_dir_1

  30. Command in one line. Find all lines c "sec" in all text files, copy and paste these lines into one new text file created -- grep -h 'sec' */* >> tf_0.txt

  31. Command in one line. Delete text files that have the word “sec” in their content -- grep -l 'sec' {*.*,*/*} | xargs rm -v

  32. Just print the line “Good job!!” -- echo 'Good Job!!'