
git | GitHub branches & merges & push & pull

git | GitHub

merge / branch

  1. On the local repository, make branches for:
  • Postman ---> git branch Postman
  • Jmeter ---> git branch Jmeter
  • CheckLists ---> git branch CheckLists
  • Bag Reports git branch BugReports
  • SQL ---> git branch SQL
  • Charles ---> git branch Charles
  • Mobile testing ---> git branch MobileTesting
  1. Push all branches to an external repository--->

git push -u origin Postman Jmeter CheckLists BugReports SQL Charles MobileTesting

  1. In the Bug Reports branch, make a text document with the bug report structure--->

git checkout BugReports ---> touch BugReports_str.txt ---> vim BugReports_str.txt --

	Bug Name:
	Bug ID:
	Area Path:
	Build Number:
	Assignet to:
	Reported by:
	Steps to reproduse:
	Expected Result:

press ESC -> SHIFT+Z+Z

  1. Push the bug report structure to the external repository --->

git add . ---> git commit -m "added bugreport_structure.txt" ---> git push

  1. Merge the Bug Reports branch into Main --->

git checkout main ---> git merge BugReports

  1. Push main to the external repository --->

git push

  1. In the CheckLists branch, outline the checklist structure --->

git checkout CheckLists ---> touch CheckLists_str.txt ---> vim CheckList_str.txt --

   Part of functionality:
   Expected result:
   Test cases:
   Bug reports:

press ESC -> SHIFT+Z+Z

  1. Push the structure to an external repository --->

git add . ---> git commit -m "added checklist_structure.txt" ---> git push

  1. On the external repository, make a Pull Request of the CheckLists branch in main
  2. Synchronize External and Local branches Main --->

git checkout main ---> git fetch ---> git pull


  1. Create an external repository called JSON ---> In GitHub, click on the New button --> in the Repository name, write JSON --> make the repository public --> Add a README file --> Click on the Create repository button

  2. Clone the JSON repository to the local machine. ---> git clone link to the repository (in the required repository, click on the Code button on the right and copy HTTPS)

  3. Inside the local JSON, create a “new.json” file. ---> touch new.json

  4. Add file under git. ---> git add new.json

  5. Commit the file. ---> git commit -m "==="

  6. Submit the file to an external GitHub repository. ---> git push

  7. Edit the content of the “new.json” file - write information about yourself (name, age, number of pets, future desired salary). Everything is written in JSON format. ---> vim new.json --> press I

   "name": "Bezirgen Akmammedov",
   "age": 22,
   "animals": "null",
   "salary": "2500 $"

press ESC -> SHIFT+Z+Z

  1. Push changes to an external repository. ---> git add new.json --> git commit -m "===" --> git push

  2. Create preferences.json file ---> touch preferences.json

  3. Add information about your preferences to the preferences.json file (Favorite movie, favorite series, favorite food, favorite season, country you would like to visit) in JSON format. ---> vim preferences.json --> press I

   "movie": "Interstellar",
   "show": "One Piece",
   "food": "Manti",
   "season": "Autumn",
   "country": "South Korea"

press ESC -> SHIFT+Z+Z

  1. Create a file sklls.json add information about the skills that will be studied in the course in JSON format ---> touch skills.json --> vim skills.json --> press I
   "skills": "Linux, Github, Postman, Jmeter, SQL, Charles"

press ESC -> SHIFT+Z+Z

  1. Send 2 files at once to an external repository. ---> git add . --> git commit -m "===" --> git push

  2. On the web interface, create the bug_report.json file. ---> in the JSON repository click on the ADD FILE button --> creat new file

  3. Make Commit changes (save) changes on the web interface. ---> fit at the bottom of the page

  4. Modify the bug_report.json file on the web interface, add a bug report in JSON format. ---> in the JSON repository we find the desired file and click on its name --> on the right click on the pencil icon (edit) -->

    "Bug Name": "Application crashes upon clicking the SAVE button while creating a new user",
    "Bug ID": "(It will be automatically created by the BUG Tracking tool once you save this bug)",
    "Area Path": "USERS menu-> New Users",
    "Build Number": "Version Number 3.0.1",
    "Severiy": "High",
    "Priority": "High",
    "Assignet to": "Developer-name",
    "Reported By": "Bezirgen",
    "Reported On": "09-June-2022",
    "Reason": "Defect",
    "Status": "New/Open/Active(Depends on the Tool you are using)",
    "Environment": "Windows 10",
    "Description": "Application crashes upon clicking the SAVE button while creating a new the user, hence unable to create a new user in the application",
    "STR1": "Login into the Application",
    "STR2": "Navigate to the Users Menu -> New User",
    "STR3": "Filled out all the user information fields",
    "STR4": "Clicked on the ‘Save’ button",
    "STR5": "Seen an error page 'ORA1090 Exception: Insert values Error…'",
    "STR6": "See the attached logs for more information (Attach more logs related to the bug..IF any)",
    "STR7": "Also see the attached screenshot of the error page",
    "Expected Result": "On clicking the SAVE button, you should be prompted to a successful message 'New User has been created successfully'"
  1. Make Commit changes (save) changes on the web interface. ---> click on the Commit changes button below (save)

  2. Synchronize external and local JSON repository ---> git pull (in terminal)


  1. Create an external repository called XML. ---> In GitHub, click on the New button --> in the Repository name, write XML --> make the repository public --> Add a README file --> Click on the Create repository button

  2. Clone the XML repository to the local machine. ---> git clone link to the repository (in the required repository, click on the Code button on the right and copy HTTPS)

  3. Inside the local XML, create the “new.xml” file. ---> touch new.xml

  4. Add file under git. ---> git add new.xml

  5. Commit the file. ---> git commit -m "==="

  6. Submit the file to an external GitHub repository. ---> git push

  7. Edit the content of the “new.xml” file - write information about yourself (name, age, number of pets, future desired salary). Everything is written in XML format. ---> vim new.xml --> press I

	<name>Bezirgen Akmammedov</name>

press ESC -> SHIFT+Z+Z

  1. Push changes to an external repository. ---> git add new.xml --> git commit -m "===" --> git push

  2. Create preferences.xml file ---> touch preferences.xml

  3. Add information about your preferences to the preferences.xml file (Favorite movie, favorite series, favorite food, favorite season, country you would like to visit) in XML format. ---> vim preferences.xml --> press I

   <show>One Piece</show>
   <country>South Korea</country>

press ESC -> SHIFT+Z+Z

  1. Create a skills.xml file add information about the skills that will be studied in the course in XML format ---> touch skills.xml --> vim skills.xml --> press I
   <skills>Linux, Github, Postman, Jmeter, SQL, Charles</skills>

press ESC -> SHIFT+Z+Z

  1. Send 2 files at once to an external repository. ---> git add . --> git commit -m "===" --> git push

  2. On the web interface, create a bug_report.xml file ---> in the xml repository click on the ADD FILE button --> creat new file

  3. Make Commit changes (save) changes on the web interface. ---> fit at the bottom of the page

  4. Modify the bug_report.xml file on the web interface, add a bug report in XML format. ---> in the XML repository we find the desired file and click on its name --> on the right click on the pencil icon (edit) -->

 <BugName>Application crashes upon clicking the SAVE button while creating a new user</BugName>
 <BugID>(It will be automatically created by the BUG Tracking tool once you save this bug)</BugID>
 <AreaPath>USERS menu -> New Users</AreaPath>
 <BuildNumber>Version Number 3.0.1</BuildNumber>
 <Status>New/Open/Active(Depends on the Tool you are using)</Status>
 <Environment>Windows 10</Environment>
 <Description>Application crashes upon clicking the SAVE button while creating a new the user, hence unable to create a new user in the application</Description>
 <STR1>Login into the Application</STR1>
 <STR2>Navigate to the Users Menu -> New User</STR2>
 <STR3>Filled out all the user information fields</STR3>
 <STR4> Clicked on the ‘Save’ button</STR4>
 <STR5>Seen an error page “ORA1090 Exception: Insert values Error…”</STR5>
 <STR6>See the attached logs for more information (Attach more logs related to the bug..IF any)</STR6>
 <STR7>Also see the attached screenshot of the error page</STR7>
 <ExpectedResult>On clicking the SAVE button, you should be prompted to a successful message “New User has been created successfully”</ExpectedResult>
  1. Make Commit changes (save) changes on the web interface. ---> click on the Commit changes button below (save)

  2. Synchronize external and local XML repository ---> git pull (in terminal)