Final project for 2023's 219114/115 Programming I

  • how to use this program
    • login with username and password
    • the program will show you what option is available
    • example: if the program ask for file write "file_name" do not wire "file_name.csv"
    • example2: if the program ask for "accept request ID or deny: " if you want to accept write ID of the project or userid foe deny just write "deny"
    • write q to quit
  • python file
      • to manage data class Table (list of dictionaries) class DB (list of table) class Read` (read any csv file)
      • main part of the program
        start the program and receive user inout
        program that take user input and to the task user request
      • def initializing (use class Table, DB, Read to store data)
      • class Log (user log in)
      • def exit_ (to exit the program and update the change in data)
    • csv file
      • login.csv
      • log in information
      • person.csv
      • person information
      • project.csv
      • project information
      • advisor_pending_request.csv
      • aadvisor_pending_request
      • member_pending_request.csv
      • member_pending_request
    • bug
      • sometime random "[]" appear in member or advisor csv file
        only change status in login.csv
        type (int,str)
      • role
        • student
        • 1.See member pending request
          2.accepted or deny member pending request
          3.Become a lead
          • lead
        • 1.See project status
          2.modify project information
          3.See who has responded to the requests sent out
          4.Send out requests to potential members
          5.Send out requests to a potential advisor
          • member
        • 1.See project status
          2.modify project information
          3.See who has responded to the requests sent out
          • faculty
        • 1.See project status
          2.accepted or deny advisor pending request
        • advisor
        • 1.See project status
          2.See pending request
          3.Send out requests to a potential evaluation 
          4.accept or deny evaluation request
        • admin
        • 1.Add any file information
          2.Delete any file information
          3.See any file information
          4.Update any status

Table detailing each role and its actions

Role Action function Class Completion
admin Add any file information add_line Table,DB 100%
admin Delete any file information delete_line Table,DB 100%
admin See any file information search Table,DB 100%
admin Update any status update Table,DB 100%
student See member pending request input Table,DB 100%
student accepted or deny member pending request add_line, delete_line Table,DB,Log 100%
student Become a lead add_line, delete_line Table,DB 100%
member See project status search Table,DB,Log 100%
member See and Modified project information add_line, delete_line Table,DB,Log 100%
member See who has responded to the requests sent out search Table,DB 100%
lead See project status search Table,DB,Log 100%
lead modify project information add_line,d delete_line Table,DB,Log 100%
lead See who has responded to the requests sent out search Table,DB 100%
lead Send out requests to potential members add_line,d delete_line Table,DB 100%
lead Send out requests to a potential advisor add_line,d delete_line Table,DB 100%
faculty See project status search Table,DB,Log 100%
faculty accepted or deny advisor pending request add_line,d delete_line Table,DB,Log 100%
advisor See project status search Table,DB 100%
advisor See pending request search Table,DB 100%
advisor Send out requests to a potential evaluation add_line,d delete_line Table,DB 100%
advisor accept or deny evaluation request add_line,d delete_line Table,DB,Log 100%