
Helm-chart repository for deploying REST-api based webapp into a kubernetes cluster. Changes to the chart are picked up by jenkins and a release is posted to the repo with Semantic Versioning

Primary LanguageSmarty

Helm-chart for Webapp deployment

This helm-chart deploys a REST-api based app into a cluster. It uses a service to make the port of the app's pod available to the cluster. The deployment also has an HPA

To install helm chart onto your cluster:

  • Download latest release of packaged chart / clone the repo
  • Set kubectl context to your cluster
  • Set docker-hub credentials as secret for imagepull
    kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server=docker.io --docker-username=<Username> --docker-password=<Password> --docker-email=<Email>
  • Run:
    helm install <Release_name> <Packaged_chart_parth> -n <NameSpace> --generate-name
    helm install <Release_name> <Cloned_repo_path> -n <NameSpace> --generate-name

To configure values:

  • Seeing configurable vlaues for the chart:
    helm show values <Cloned_repo_path>
  • Installing chart with configured values:
    helm install <Release_name> <Cloned_repo_path> --set <key>=<Value> -n <NameSpace> --generate-name
  • Using a custom configuration file:
    helm install <Release_name> <Cloned_repo_path> -f values.yaml -n <NameSpace> --generate-name

To unistall helm chart:

  • Run:
    helm unistall <Release_name>