This is the dynamic e-commerce website where customer can visit page, search products, register, add to cart, purchase products with Stripe payment system and it also have admin panel where admin can add, delete, update -- post, site & user. Also we provide repairing service where user can check their offers based on their purchase.
We have provided you a database file (.sql) inside database file folder from there you can configure database inside your localhost what you need to do is you just have to go to loacalhost phpmyadmin from there you need to create database with name electric-shop after creating database go inside that database then go to import section and there you will see select file then select that electric-shop.sql file then click go button below.It's done congrats.
We have already provide stripe config file. You have to change the publishable and secret key with your own stripe account key. And Notice that you may be sufferring from stripe error. It's because stripe files isn't uploaded to this github due to some issues. So we have provided you zip file of stripe and vendor folder inside So you need to unzip that file and place that stripe and vendor folder inside root folder. Finally stripe payment gateway will work.