
A Web Application for storing your contacts at one place. These Contacts can be texted or called or mailed through third party Application

Primary LanguageHTML


ContactManager or known as 'Contapps' where you can store your contacts, have a funny picture of them and text them whenever you want. A user is required to sign-up on the site to have access to the features such as Having their personal contacts, texting them. Happy Texting :)

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Before running the server on your local machine, following npm packages must be installed in the same directory where you have cloned the project.


npm packages

You can install them manually or run the following command

  npm install


  • mysql - For storing Users, Contacts, and Messages.
  • mongodb - For storing Sessions, and Issues.

Database Usage

For mongodb, excute the following commands in root directory of ContactManager Folder

  cd "Web Application"/database
  mongod --dbpath=./ --port=5000

Note: The port above can be whatever you assign

For mysql, To create a database

  create database "contactmanager";
  create user "contactManagerAdmin" identified by "123456";
  use contactmanager;
  GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON contactmanager.* to "contactManagerAdmin";

Note: These are default credentials hardcoded inside ContactManager/Web Application/database/sqlDatabase.js and can be changed. All the above commands must be executed as root user of mysql

Running The Server On Your Machine

  cd "Web Application"
  node server.js

*Note: The default port, the website runs on is 4000 and can be changed in server.js"

Adding Admin

Admins can be added using the addAdmin inside ContactManager/Web Application/database/sqlDatabaseHandler.js. The issues can be accessed by loggin through /admin




