
k8s-info-cli is a command-line tool that retrieves deployment or service data from a Kubernetes cluster. The repository contains the source code for the k8s-info-cli tool, along with instructions for how to build and use it.

Primary LanguageGo

Table of Contents


A command-line tool that retrieves deployment or service data from a Kubernetes cluster. This tool uses the Kubernetes Go client library to communicate with a Kubernetes API server to retrieve information about deployments and services.

This CLI tool was developed using the Cobra library for Go.


Before running the k8s-info command, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • Go version 1.13 or higher is installed.
  • A Kubernetes cluster is accessible and a kubeconfig file is available.

To install k8s-info, follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the k8s-info repository from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/BhairaviSanskriti/k8s-info.git
  1. Change to the k8s-info directory:
cd k8s-info
  1. Build the k8s-info executable by running the following command:
go build -o k8s-info
  1. Make it easier to run the k8s-info command from anywhere in the terminal by executing the below command:
sudo mv ./k8s-info /usr/local/bin/


k8s-info has the following usage pattern:

k8s-info [flags]
  • -n, --namespace: The namespace to retrieve deployments from. The default is "default".
  • -k, --kubeconfig: The absolute path to the kubeconfig file. If this flag is not set, the function will check for the kubeconfig file in the following locations in order:
    • The path specified in the KUBECONFIG environment variable.
    • $HOME/.kube/config.
    • $PWD/kubeconfig.

If none of the above locations contains a kubeconfig file, the function will assume that it is running inside a Kubernetes cluster and try to obtain the configuration from the in-cluster environment. Set KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST and KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT in case the function uses in-cluster info.

The application has two main sub-commands: get svc and get deploy.

Retrieve service data

To retrieve service data, run the following command:

k8s-info get svc --kubeconfig </path/to/kubeconfig>


This command retrieves the services in the default namespace and outputs their names, types, and exposed ports in JSON format.

Retrieve deployment data

To retrieve deployment data, run the following command:

k8s-info get deploy -n kube-system


This command retrieves the deployments in the kube-system namespace and outputs their names, healthy replicas, and unhealthy replicas in JSON format.

Output formatting

By default, the output of the k8s-info command is in plain text format. However, you can also use the jq command-line tool to format the output as JSON or manipulate it in other ways.

To install jq, follow the installation instructions for your operating system or package manager. Once installed, you can pipe the output of k8s-info to jq like this:

k8s-info get deploy -n kube-system | jq 


This will pretty-print the output in JSON format, which can make it easier to read and parse. You can also use jq to filter the output based on specific criteria, extract specific fields, and perform other operations.

Note that using jq is completely optional and depends on your needs. However, it can be a powerful tool for working with JSON output from various command-line tools, including k8s-info.


k8s-info is a simple command-line tool that retrieves deployment and service data from a Kubernetes cluster. It is easy to install and use, and can be extended to support more functionality as needed. If you encounter any issues or have any feedback, please feel free to create an issue on the k8s-info GitHub repository.