
This Automatic Irrigation System has been created virtually with the help of a simulation software called Proteus. The microcontroller used is Arduino Uno . The sensors incorporated are Ultrasonic Sensor and Soil Moisture sensor . The Code for the Project has been written in Embedded C in Arduino IDE.

Primary LanguageC++


This Project was designed and developed in my 2nd Semester . This Project has been assembled using Circuit Simulation Software Called Proteus.
The main board with ATMega 328p microcontroller used here Arduino Uno . It is very useful for small scale , college level automation projects as it is very to program and the interfacing is very convenient.

Components Used

The Components Used for this Project are as Follows:

  1. Arduino Uno.
  2. Soil Moisture Sensor.
  3. Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04).
  4. 20x4 lcd display.
  5. Virtual Terminal.
  6. 2x DC Motors.
  7. 3x Potentiometers.
  8. Several transistors , resistors , capacitors and inductors.

Circuit Diagram

Circuit Diagram

Snippets of Code

Snippet of Code Snippet of Code


Snippet of Code