Graphical interface of chemical signaling models for MOOSE

Note: update moose-core
  - git pull moose-core 
  - if installed via pip then copy 
      -- into "~/.local/python3.x/site-packages/moose/chemUtils/"
[To know where moose is located go to command line type
   > import moose
   > moose.__path__
   This will show ~/.local/python3.x/site-packages/moose

- To run moose-gui we need matplotlib,pyqt5,pygraphviz,networkx,qt5svg

    - python3 -m pip install matplotlib
    - python3 -m pip install pyqt5
    - sudo apt-get install graphviz libgraphviz-dev pkg-config
    - python3 -m pip install pygraphviz
    - python3 -m pip install networkx
    - python3 -m pip install pyqt5.qtsvg

[The instruction s for Ubuntu, for mac use brew]
For import imp deprecation error run
sudo apt-get install -y libxcb-xinerama0

- git clone moose-gui
  cd moose-gui
  python3 examples/reaction.g