
Course Project for BITS CS F301 (PoPL).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PoPL (Principles of Programming Languages), CS F301 Course Project

Title : Comparative Study between PyRo and other DL frameworks

Members : Karan Bania (2021A7PS2582G), Nishant Bhandari (2021A7PS2046G)

Software used (major parts):

  1. autograd library
  2. the PyRo framework
  3. numpy library
  4. PyTorch library


We have used Noisy XOR problem to demonstrate the difference between Pyro and numpy implementations.

PoPL aspects: (Italicized library is the better one)

(ease-of-use) Defining the prior (Pyro/Numpy)

In numpy, the prior must be hard-coded at all places

init = np.random.npr.normal(np.zeros(total_params), np.ones(total_params), total_params)

In Pyro, the prior can be easily changed by just changing the dist.Normal

 weights.append(pyro.sample(f'weight_0', dist.Normal(torch.zeros(input_size, output_size), torch.ones(input_size, output_size))))

(ease-of-use) Using the actual Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm (Pyro/Numpy)

In numpy, the code is 100+ lines
In PyRo, the code is 3 lines

hmc_kernel = HMC(model, step_size=step_size, trajectory_length=traj_len)
mcmc_run = MCMC(hmc_kernel, num_samples=num_samples, warmup_steps=warmup_steps)
mcmc_run.run(data, input_size, hidden_sizes, output_size)

(ease-of-use) Changing Model architecture (Pyro/Numpy)

In numpy, the architecture must be hard-coded and is awkward to change

def model(params, data : NoisyXOR):
Computes the negative log likelihood of the model.
w1, b1, w2, b2 = weight_unpack(params, hid_size=4)

logit = np.dot(np.maximum(np.dot(data.X.numpy(), w1) + b1, 0), w2) + b2
prob = sigmoid(logit)

prob_plus = np.multiply(prob.squeeze(1), (data.y.squeeze(1).numpy() == 1.))
prob_neg = np.multiply(1-prob.squeeze(1), (data.y.squeeze(1).numpy() == 0.))
prob = prob_plus + prob_neg

neg_log_prob = -np.sum(np.log(prob + 1e-10))
return neg_log_prob

In Pyro, the layer dimensions can be changed by changing the size as well as additional layers can be easily added by appending to hidden_sizes

input_size = 2
hidden_sizes = [4]  # Specify the sizes of hidden layers
output_size = 1

(ease-of-use) Plotting results (Pyro/Numpy)

In Numpy, we have access to intermediate configurations of the model easily, few lines of code to plot stuff,

plt.plot(val_acc, label='Validation accuracy')
plt.plot(train_acc, label='Training accuracy')

In Pyro, we had to make artificial changes and sample first evaluate later to plot

for i in range (num_samples):

(reliability) Default implementation vs Unsafe Self Implementation (Pyro/Numpy)

In Numpy, the sigmoid implementation can lead to overflows

def sigmoid(x):
    Autograd wrapper doesn't have sigmoid, so we define it here.
    return 1/(1 + np.exp(-x))

In Pyro, all this is taken care of internally

pyro.sample("obs", dist.Bernoulli(logits=output), obs=data.y)

To reproduce results:

pip install -r requirements.txt

For numpy run -

cd code-orig
python -m numpy_hmc.hmc

For pyro run -

cd code-orig
python -m pyro_hmc.experiment

Possible future directions -

It would be compelling to compare these two paradigms on even more DL algorithms like CNNs and RNNs. Although scaling MCMC to this would be a problem.

Note : there is no /tests folder because results have been compiled in the /doc folder,there is also no /code-external folder because we have mentioned all our references in individual .py files.