
The Texas Gateway OAuth 2 backend for Academies microsite

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Trinity-Academies OAuth 2 Backend =============================



A Python Social Auth backend for Texas Gateway (Trinity), mostly used for Open edX but can be used elsewhere.


The code in this repository is licensed under the MIT License unless otherwise noted.

Please see LICENSE.txt for details.

The Backend Dependency on Python Social Auth

The backend depends on Python Social Auth. It is compatible with both of the legacy monolithic Python Social Auth that is being used on Ficus and previous releases, and the new split Python Social Auth that is being used on Ginkgo and upcoming releases.

SSO Endpoints

The backend consumes the following URLs:

  • Registration: https://pass.texasgateway.org/register
  • Login: https://pass.texasgateway.org/oauth/v2/auth/login
  • AUTHORIZATION_URL: https://pass.texasgateway.org/oauth/v2/auth
  • ACCESS_TOKEN_URL: https://pass.texasgateway.org/oauth/v2/token

When using the staging environment (see below), the domain pass-staging.texasgateway.org is used instead.

The OAuth server provides the following information about the user:

  • email
  • username
  • fullname
  • district

Backend Extra Settings

In addition to the usual client, secret key and other settings. This backend requires the ENVIRONMENT configuration:

SOCIAL_AUTH_TRINITY_ENVIRONMENT = 'staging'  # or 'production'

In Open edX, this is usually set via the admin panel in the backend's Other Settings field:

{ "ENVIRONMENT": "staging" }

Reporting Security Issues

Please do not report security issues in public. Please email security@appsembler.org.