Link to video Demonstration:
This application requires Flask framework, flask_pymongo and also mongodb need to be installed locally to run this application.
I have made sure to get the local ip addr and run my server on this.
This application requires python and flask framework to be installed.
I have used MongoDB as a database to my application.
Built Frontend to call the Api's that i've built.
I have created UI modules to make use of the functionalities of this application.
- Implemented User Registraion and User login with authentication.
- Every user can create a note,
- delete a note by entering the corresponding id,
- update the contents of the note by entering the corresponding id
- and share their note with another user by entering username(case sensitive) and corresponding id.
Instructions to run the application locally:
Install MongoDb locally and Set environment variable of mongodb to path.
Install Python 3 and install flask framework and pymongo package using pip
pip install flask
pip install pymongo
pip install flask_pymongo \
After successful installation of all the dependencies proceed to run the application using command "python" .
I have attached a video to demonstrate how this application works.