
IBM Hack Challenge solution for "Help me with my mood" problem. Using IBM Watson Tone Analyzer for sentiment analysis and reinforcement learning for making suggestions.


It is the solution of the problem from IBM Hack Challenge - "Help me with my mood". In this project, we analyse the tweets and Instagram posts of an user of previous 24 hours or more, and perform sentiment analysis using IBM Watson Tone Analyzer. Then our algorithm provides media recommendations based on the mood of the user to improve his/her mental health. Our algorithm is equipped with reinforcement learning which open a path for enhanced customized experience in future access. This is a Social-media Health Analysis and Display Engine (SHADE). Its main aim is to eliminate any negative state of mind that might have adverse effect on user's daily life.


Python and its packages :

1. Flask
2. Keras
3. IBM-Tone-Analyzer
4. Bcrypt
5. json
6. SQLAlchemy
7. BeautifulSoup
8. Python twitter REST APIs
9. numpy

Web Technologies:

2. CSS
3. Bootstrap
4. JavaScript

First install all the required packages by using following commands:

pip install --upgrade keras
pip install --upgrade flask
pip install --upgrade bcrypt
pip install --upgrade json
pip install --upgrade python-twitter
pip install --upgrade wastson-developer-cloud
pip install --upgrade beautifulsoup4
pip install --upgrade flask-bcrypt
pip install --upgrade flask-sqlalchemy
pip install --upgrade flask-wtf
pip install --upgrade numpy

Now run the flask app to host the website locally. Usually, hosting address is :

Open the broswer (Chrome or Firefox is recommended) and enter the above the address as URL. Here, you will get Login page. Enter the details to go to your dashboard. If you are using this app for the first time, do registration first. Enter the following address to register as new user:

Once you get into the dashboard, you can set the time period for analyzing your tweets and instagram posts.