
Encrypted Socket Chat

Primary LanguageC++


It is a simple socket chat with AES enncryption

PART 1-Getting Started with QT

1)Download QT from the link:-


2)Install latest QT software (i.e. QTCreator IDE)

3)For installation references and starter guide with QTCreator visit


PART 2-Understanding and Installing Crypto++ library

1)Download the file for crypto++ from link below


2)Compile and Install crypto++ library using terminal

  • make
  • make test
  • sudo make install

3)Install the files of library in QT installation folder

copy all the installed files in the system to the respective QT folders

4)To link library in QT right click on the project folder and click on 'Add Existing Library'

To link library in GCC(or G++) use the following code g++ -DNDEBUG -g3 -O2 -Wall -Wextra -o AES AES.cpp -l:libcryptopp.a

NOTE: AES is the executable file created and AES.cpp is the source file to be mentioned

PART 3-The Main Code

  1. The ServerQT and ClientQT folder consist of the basic Socket Client and Server model:
  • To Run the code execute the ServerQT file first and click on start connection.
  • Then following server execute the client then start the client connection.
  • Now,starting from the client side 1st message is sent then server (first recieves the message from client ) sends message, pattern is repeated.
  • Messing up the message pattern will cause the problems.
  1. The EncSerQT and EncCliQT folder consists of AES Encrypted Socket Client and Server model:
  • By following the instructions of simple SeverQT and ClientQT for AES Encrypted model.
  • The AES Encryption is done by using Crypto++ library in C++, the library is mentioned above.
  • A sample program of AES Encryption is given in the repository.
  1. The FSerEnc and FCliEnc folder consists of RSA based encryption of AES keys which will further be used to encrypt the 'Socket Chat':
  • The code is similar to

/* compiling program using g++ in terminal: g++ -DNDEBUG -g3 -O2 -Wall -Wextra -o AES AES.cpp -l:libcryptopp.a executing c++ program : ./AES */

Important Links:

Crypto++ Library- https://github.com/weidai11/cryptopp/blob/master/Install.txt

RSA Encryption- https://www.cryptopp.com/wiki/RSA_Encryption_Schemes#RSA_Encryption_Scheme_.28OAEP_and_SHA.29_using_Filters https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37782215/how-to-initialize-rsaprivatekey