
:izakaya_lantern: A Neovim configuration for productive developers who want a functional yet aesthetic Vim experience :izakaya_lantern:

Primary LanguageVim Script

Optixal's Neovim init.vim

Use it as a regular text editor, with Dracula as the main colorscheme, key information from vim-airline, and subtle git diff information with vim-signify:

Regular Text Editor Usage

Or use it as a full-fledged IDE, with autocompletion from CoC, a filesystem explorer from NERDTree, and a side window from Tagbar to browse tags and view the structure of the file you are working on:

IDE Usage

Quickly find files or strings by fuzzy searching with fzf.vim in a beautiful pop-up window:

FZF Usage

Or perhaps.. procrastinate multitask with vim-hackernews at the side while coding:

Hacker News Usage

Transparent/translucent terminal background support (uncomment autocmd ColorScheme * call TransparentBackground()), example from WSL2 running Ubuntu on Windows:

Transparent Usage

Installing and Updating


Automated Installation


Automatically installs my configuration, along with dependencies into your system. Tested on Ubuntu 20.04. I highly suggest reading and understanding each line of the installation script before running it, especially if you are using other Linux distros, or macOS. For macOS, manually run the commands, and use homebrew instead of apt.

Post Installation

Download and install a Nerd Font

Airline and devicons require a patched font, or Nerd Font in order to display properly. Run ./font_install.sh to download and install Iosevka Term Nerd Font into your ~/.fonts directory, or run the command manually:

curl -fLo ~/.fonts/Iosevka\ Term\ Nerd\ Font\ Complete.ttf --create-dirs https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/Iosevka/Regular/complete/Iosevka%20Term%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete.ttf

Once downloaded, open your terminal's preferences and change the font to "Iosevka Term Regular". If the font is not there, your OS' font directory may not be ~/.fonts. Find out which directory your fonts are stored in, and place the downloaded font file in that directory instead.

Install coc extensions

To get autocompletion capabilities for the various languages you work with, you need to install coc extensions for coc. If you code in JS, do frontend, and write Python, run the following within nvim:

:CocInstall -sync coc-tsserver coc-json coc-html coc-css coc-pyright

Find out more about coc extensions and what is available over here.

Alias vim

It may be easier for you to type vim instead of nvim everytime you edit a file, so aliasing it could save you some trouble. Add an alias to your bashrc/zshrc/somerc or aliases file to alias nvim to vim:

echo "alias vim='nvim'" >> ~/.bashrc
Fix nvim + tmux issues

Running nvim within a tmux session may cause certain unwanted issues like escape key lag, or displaying wrong colors. Run cat .tmux.conf >> ~/.tmux.conf or manually add these to your ~/.tmux.conf configuration file to address the issues:

set -sg escape-time 5 # fix vim esc delay
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" # ensures vim uses right $TERM color, default is "screen"
set -ga terminal-overrides ",*256col*:Tc" # fixes vim reproducing slightly wrong colors in tmux


Updates from me

I occasionally update and push my new configurations here. If you want to receive the updates, you can pull the latest init.vim and replace the one you have.

git pull
cp init.vim ~/.config/nvim/

vim-plug commands for plugins

Run these to install new plugins, update or delete existing plugins, or upgrade vim-plug itself.

  • Install plugins: :PlugInstall in nvim
  • Update plugins: :PlugUpdate in nvim
  • Delete unused plugins: :PlugClean in nvim
  • Update vim-plug itself: :PlugUpgrade in nvim

Mapped Commands in Normal Mode

Most custom commands expand off my map leader, keeping nvim as vanilla as possible.

  • , - Map leader, nearly all my custom mappings starts with pressing the comma key
  • ,q or \\ - Toggle sidebar filetree viewer (NERDTree)
  • ,w or | - Toggle sidebar classes, functions, variables list (TagBar)
  • ,ee - Change colorscheme (with fzf fuzzy finder)
  • ,ea - Change Airline theme
  • ,e1 - Color mode: Dracula (Dark)
  • ,e2 - Color mode: Seoul256 (Between Dark & Light)
  • ,e3 - Color mode: Forgotten (Light)
  • ,e4 - Color mode: Zazen (Black & White)
  • ,r - Refresh/source ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
  • ,t - Trim all trailing whitespaces
  • ,y - Opens HackerNews in a new vertical split window (vim-hackernews)
  • ,p - Automatically generate Python docstrings while cursor is hovering above a Python function or class (vim-pydocstring)
  • ,a - Auto align variables (vim-easy-align), eg. do ,a= while your cursor is on a bunch of variables to align their equal signs
  • ,s - Fuzzy find for a string in your current working directory (fzf)
  • ,d - Fuzzy find a file (fzf)
  • ,f - Fuzzy find for a string in the current file/buffer (fzf)
  • ,g - Toggle Goyo mode, super clean and minimalistic display mode (Goyo)
  • ,h - Toggle rainbow parentheses highlighting (rainbow-parentheses.vim)
  • ,j - Set filetype to "journal" which makes the syntax highlighting beautiful when working on regular text files and markdown
  • ,k - Toggle coloring of hex colors
  • ,l - Toggle Limelight mode, highlight the lines near cursor only (Limelight)
  • ,x - Auto format Python scripts (yapf)
  • ,, - Remove highlights
  • ,c<Space> - Toggle comment for current line (Nerd Commenter)
  • ,$s - New terminal in horizontal split
  • ,$v - New terminal in vertical split
  • <Alt-r/c> - Toggle RGB color picker (vCoolor) (uses GTK+, requires yad or zenity)
  • <Tab> - Next buffer
  • <Shift-Tab> - Previous buffer