
NestJS + TS + MongoDB using Mongoose + Firebase auth + AWS + Swagger + ESLint + Prettier + Git hooks

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Nest Logo

An opinionated NestJS Typescript starter


Everything nest js gives out of the box (Hot Reloading, testing with jest etc), and

  • A starter User mongoose schema with a get/create an endpoint using firebase user data
  • JSON based config setup. Sample config at config.json
  • JSON based Logging setup using Pino
  • Per request UUID logging for easier traceability
  • Docker setup
  • Firebase auth setup! Along with decorators which can be used at endpoint levels.
  • Sample module setup (health-check) with unit testing on service, and a sample e2e test.
  • AWS SDK integration, sample s3 client as a starting point
  • Rate limiting (pre configured to limit each IP to 100 requests per 15 minutes) using express-rate-limit
  • OpenAPI/Swagger setup using @nestjs/swagger
  • Data validation using class-validator
  • Global exception handlers to capture ServerError with error codes and respond to client with corresponding error messages from errorCodes.json
  • Connected to MongoDB using @nestjs/mongoose, using URL from config.
  • Codebuild configuration setup (Uses buildspec.yml for build configuration and a env variable called S3_BUCKET for the bucket to retrieve config.json from. Go through the buildspec.yml for more information)
  • Procfile setup for elastic beanstalk to start the nestJS node process at port 8080
  • Pre commit hook which runs tsc and prettier


  • share local AWS config file with docker



to set up hooks

yarn setuphooks

Running the app

# development
$ yarn start

# watch mode
$ yarn start:dev

# production mode
$ yarn start:prod

Running the app using docker

docker build -t server . && docker run -p server 

server is just the image tag name, it could be anything

Verify if the server is up and running

~ ❯ curl http://localhost:3000/health-check


# unit tests
$ yarn test

# e2e tests
$ yarn test:e2e

# test coverage
$ yarn test:cov