
Primary LanguagePython

Thought Stream


A telegram bot which can primarily act as a journal, with a lot more character. The bot should also ask for mood a couple of times per day, have routines setup. For example, when you go to sleep, you can trigger a routine by entering /sleep and the bot will log this timestamp and ask you a bunch of questions as a retrospective to the current day and finally save them further analysis. There will be many routines setup like this.

Project status

All the responses are stored in plain text, answers to questions are in the format of a key followed by a value. So, a mood recording would be #mood 5. This gives a lot of flexibility, but this also means that data is directly not consumable. Will have to see how this works out in the long term.

This is a personal project, I'm still evaluating how this idea will work. Although self hosting the bot is very straightforward (Its just a python bot which depends on firestore for the db).


Although I had an idea of the key based personal data collection and analysis and I started working on this project. I did not really know how to explain or what to collect until I got into the self quantification world. This is really cool stuff, do checkout the subreddit and other resources.

  • I stole the idea of config driven routine management and a bunch of really high quality questions from FxLifeSheet, huge thanks for making it open source!
  • I was absolutely mind blown by julian.digital, huge inspiration!