Links to download the data:
1. Download SRA file using SRA-toolkit the command line:
prefetch SRR24927859
2. Split SRA file into R1 and R2 fastq files
fastq-dump --split-files SRR24927859.sra
3. Get the count of reads from fastq files
grep -c "^@" SRR24927859_R1.fastq > SRR24927859_total_reads_R1.txt
grep -c "^@" SRR24927859_R2.fastq > SRR24927859_total_reads_R2.txt
4. Perform basic QC checks on both files
mkdir qc_results
fastqc SRR24927859_R1.fastq SRR24927859_R2.fastq --outdir=qc_results
5. Download human genome fasta file from UCSC
gunzip hg38.fa.gz
6. Index the reference file
bwa index hg38.fa.gz
7. Align both sets of fastq files onto the genome. Use BWA for alignment.
bwa mem -t 8 hg38.fa SRR24927859_R1.fastq SRR24927859_R2.fastq | samtools view -h -bS - > SRR24927859_aligned_reads.bam
8. Calculate alignment statistics and store them in a file.
samtools sort SRR24927859_aligned_reads.bam -o SRR24927859_aligned_reads_sorted.bam
samtools flagstat SRR24927859_aligned_reads_sorted.bam > SRR24927859_alignment_statistics.txt
9. Perform mark duplicates and store Mark duplicate statistics.
picard MarkDuplicates INPUT=SRR24927859_aligned_reads_sorted.bam OUTPUT=SRR24927859_marked_duplicates.bam METRICS_FILE=mark_duplicate_stats.txt
10. Variant calling.
bcftools mpileup -Ou -f hg38.fa.gz SRR24927859_marked_duplicates.bam | bcftools call -mv -Ob -o SRR24927859.bcf
bcftools view SRR24927859.bcf | varFilter - > SRR24927859.vcf
11. Separate out SNPs and Indels into individual vcf files.
#For SNPs
samtools mpileup --skip-indels -d 250 -m 1 -E --BCF --output-tags DP,DV,DP4,SP -f hg38.fa.gz -o SRR24927859_snps.bcf SRR24927859_marked_duplicates.bam
bcftools index SRR24927859_snps.bcf ${file_name}_indexed_snps.bcf
bcftools call --skip-variants indels --multiallelic-caller --variants-only -O v SRR24927859_snps.bcf -o SRR24927859_snps.vcf
samtools mpileup -d 250 -m 1 -E --BCF --output-tags DP,DV,DP4,SP -f hg38.fa.gz -o SRR24927859_indels.bcf SRR24927859_marked_duplicates.bam
bcftools index SRR24927859_indels.bcf SRR24927859_indexed_indels.bcf
bcftools call --skip-variants snps --multiallelic-caller --variants-only -O v SRR24927859_indels.bcf -o SRR24927859_indels.vcf