
Run Gatherlog Reporter within docker container

Primary LanguageShell


Run Gatherlog Reporter within docker container


I was running into issues with getting gatherlog reporter running locally so figured to run it in the container could help me run it easier on different machines.


You should have these running on your local machine:

  • Docker
  • Git

How to Run it

First clone the repo, cd to it, and build your docker image

git clone https://github.com/hhodzic/dockerglr.git
cd dockerglr
docker build . -t glreporter

Once your image is built you can check it's there

docker images

You can then start up the container from your newly built image

docker run -t -d glreporter

You can then check that your container is running with

docker ps

You should see something like this:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
013d463e2c32        glreporter          "/bin/bash"         1 minutes ago        Up  about a min   5000/tcp            fervent_herschel

You could then use docker cp command to copy gatherlogs bundle to your container:

docker cp exampleGatherlogsBundle.tbz2 <CONTAINER ID>:/work

example (You can use attachment from your favorite ticket):

docker cp myserver02.cloud.mycompany.com-2021-05-27_20.08.45-UTC.tbz2 013d463e2c32:/work


you can play with "ticket command" tool as well. Modify your image to include "ticket command" 
and download your bundles that way. I was running into some issues with tokens for SendSafely. 
one of these days I might try to make it work. 

Once you have your bundle inside the container you can go there and untar the bundle, cd to root of the bundle, and run gatherlog report

Continued from earlier example:

docker exec -it 013d463e2c32 /bin/bash

You will get prompt that looks like this:


From there run:

tar -vxf myserver02.cloud.mycompany.com-2021-05-27_20.08.45-UTC.tbz2
cd myserver.cloud.mycompany.com
cd 2021-05-27_20.08.45-UTC

Once you're in the root directory of your bundle just run


This should generate the report for your bundle. glr is just an alias that executes the gatherlog report.