
You do not need to donate 💰 to feed millions of people. Your actions can.

Primary LanguagePHP


FoodShare is a simple web application that allows individuals to add listings of surplus food and other users will be able to see these listings and can contact them via Instant Chat Feature . Users can sign up to generate listings. This project uses PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS, AJAX requests, Google Maps API and Google reCaptcha API.


  • App with secure login and sign up options.
  • Sign up process with real time indication of usernames availability, profile picture upload and a Captcha.
  • Users can add type, title, description, image, approximate address(text/Google Maps), pickup time of the listings.
  • Users can add listings to their My Listings page, and can edit, unlist, delete the listings listed by them.
  • Users can refine listing results by listing type, distance and more.
  • A user’s profile page have the following - Add Listing, My listings, Unlisted listings, User following and followers data.
  • A search bar is provided in the home page where the user can search for other users.
  • Messaging Feature. Users can message/chat with people who they are following or who are following them.
  • Asynchronous Instant Chatting feature. Users can chat with other users instantly (where the user on the other end can receive the messages without refreshing the page).
  • A user-chat search bar with Instant User-Chat Searching feature is provided in the Messages page where the user can search for User-Chat data(user's chat data with followers and following people). Users will be able to see the search suggestions changing as the user types (without refreshing/ pressing the search button).
  • Users can view the profile page and recent listings of other users.
  • Users can update their profile picture, email and password.
  • Users can delete their account and all the information associated with their account.

Framework used : PHP on Apache
Database : MySQL
Server : Apache

Connections to database

  • Enter your username and password of mySQL database in connect.php
define ('DB_USER','Your-Username');
define ('DB_PASSWORD','Your-Password');
define ('DB_NAME','FoodShare');

replace the string "Your-Username" and "Your-Password" with your own username and password of mySQL database.

Captcha System

  • The signup/register page uses Google reCaptcha to prevent bot users.
  • Go to this link. Click on get reCaptcha button in top right corner.
  • Sign in through your Gmail account.(If you are already signed up, then ignore this step).
  • In the Register a new site box, type in a label(say localhost) and your domain name(say localhost).
  • Click on Register.
  • You will get two keys, a public key and a private key.
  • Copy the private key. Create config.php, in that add the variable privateKey
$privateKey = "Your-private-key";

replace the string "Your-private-key" with your own secret/private key.

  • Copy the public key. Open register.php. You will see a line
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="Your-public-key"></div>

Paste this public key in the 'data-sitekey' attribute,replacing "Your-public-key".

How to run :

  • Clone/download this repository.
  • Copy the folder FoodShare to your localhost directory.
  • Start your XAMPP/WAMP or any apache distribution software.
  • Start your apache server and mySQL modules.
  • Open up your browser. Type http://localhost/FoodShare/ as the URL.
  • Click on welcome.html

Built With

Icon Packages