Shadow Analysis

The shadow analysis application is containerized and deployed using Flask and docker. The core server component is, and the project includes other shadow-related modules, helper scripts, and utility functions can be found in the src/ directory. The .ipynb file used to validate the hosted application is shadow_client.ipynb. The apache conf used to reverse proxy the hosted application is present in apache/. If you want to set up the project, you can refer to the setup instructions below.

API Endpoint

Project Installation Without Docker

  1. Install Python (3.9+)
  2. Install Python Package Manager (pip/pip3)
  3. Set up the environment :
    • Create virtual environment files - python3 -m venv venv
    • Activate virtual environment - source venv/bin/activate
  4. Install dependencies - pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  5. Configure mongo atlas
    • Create a database - smart_research
    • Create a collection - shadow_matrix
  6. Copy contents of .env.example to a new file .env - cp .env.example .env
  7. Start the server - flask --app server run
  8. Access the application in port 5000

Project Installation With Docker

  1. Install docker
  2. Install docker-compose
  3. Copy contents of .env.example to a new file .env - cp .env.example .env
  4. Build the docker image - docker-compose build.
  5. Start the container - docker-compose up -d.
  6. Access the application in port 5000

Setup .env

  1. Set APP_SECRET to random secret string
  2. Set DB_PROTOCOL to mongodb+srv if you are using mongo atlas, otherwise mongodb (in most cases).
  3. Set DB_HOST, DB_USERNAME, and DB_PASSWORD to your values.
  4. If you are using mongo atlas, you won't have DB_PORT. Otherwise, fill DB_PORT.