CS525 Project

Author: Satya Sai Bharath Vemula (vsatyasa@purdue.edu)


This document will help the TA understand on how replicate the results presented in the PPt.

Note: All the experiments have been done in mac book air (I have given detailed steps on how to setup the environmnet). In case the TA still faces an issue please contact at vsatyasa@purdue.edu i can come over and give a quick demo

Installing Dependencies

All the instructions for installing the depencies is included in "project-setup-instructions.md" file

Running the Experiment

For Each Run the following variables could be configured.

// UserContext.java file
public static final int NUM_OF_USERS = 100; //total number of virtual users.
public static final int SPAWN_RATE = 10; // number of new users per Spawn gap.
public static final int SPAWN_GAP = 3500; // spawn gap between new users addition.

// ApiContext.java
public static final int MAX_TIMEOUT_MS = 5000; // time out in milliseconds.

After installing all the required dependencies running the following steps to run the experiment.

  1. Go into web-server folder and start the server

Command: node server.js

  1. Make sure mongodb is running in the local

  2. once step 1 and 2 is done run the stress-testing java tool using intellij.

Run StressTestMain.java class in the intellij and the stress testing tool.

Generating Graphs

For generating the resultb graphs the instructions in the file "generating-graphs.md" file could be followed.